Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: debitor

Regimul specific al creanţelor cu mai mulţi codebitori/fideiusori în procedura insolvenţei
05 01 2024
In the case that a fidejussor of the insolvent debtor files an application for registration of the receivable in the creditor table, he can only be registered with the paid part of the debtor’s claim. The fi dejussor who does not pay anything of the receivable for which he guaranteed cannot be registered in the table of receivables even with a conditional claim, and even less just simply, otherwise the result will be an artificial increase of ...
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea creditorilor – controverse și soluţii
The opening of insolvency proceedings upon the creditors request should not raise any problems, given that the legal regulation contained in Law no. 85/2014 seems clear. In this sense, the conditions that the creditors’ claims must meet in order to open the insolvency procedure against the debtor are those provided by art. 5 point 20 and art. 5 point 72 of the Law no. 85/2014.However, there are still controversies relating, inter alia, ...
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Examen al practicii judiciare în materia atragerii răspunderii organelor de conducere ale debitoarei aflate în încetare de plăţi. Concursul dintre atragerea răspunderii administratorului în condiţiile art. 169 din Legea nr. 85/2014 și deciziile de atragere a răspunderii solidare emise de organul fiscal din perspectiva regulii non bis in idem
06 01 2020
Analysis of the judicial practice regarding the liability of the insolvent Debtor’s management bodies. The concurrence between the attraction of the director’s liability under the terms of art. 169 of Law no. 85/2014 and the fiscal decisions implying the director’s joint and several liability for fiscal debts.
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Natura juridică şi fundamentul acţiunii directe a beneficiarului sau posesorului cambiei împotriva acceptantului sau avalistului în contextul noului Cod civil
02 01 2018
The Direct action is a means of achieving claims specific to situations where there is no contractual relationship between the creditor and the debtor or the defendant of the direct action, but the creditor may take the action to see his claim paid.Direct action is a privilege assigned only to certain creditors expressly prescribed by law. Bold direct action is part of this narrow circle of direct payment actions, being regulated from th...
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea debitorului. Obligaţia debitorului de a formula cererea
The opening of insolvency procedure on debtor’s request is done either when he finds insufficient funds available for the payment of due debts or when he finds that he will not be able to pay at the due date the due debts incurred with the money funds available at maturity
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Aplicarea măsurilor de siguranță privind confiscarea specială și confiscarea extinsă, precum și a măsurii preventive a suspendării lichidării judiciare asupra debitorului persoană juridică aflat în insolvență
Law No. 85/2014 on insolvency prevention procedures and insolvency proceedings is characterized by the specialization, the autonomy and the strictly determined object of its regulatory norms. However, when applying these norms, particularly during the devolution of the insolvency proceedings, several conflicts, collisions and necessary correlations with other judicial norms, have been found, meant to ensure, if necessary, the primacy of incide...
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Studiu de drept comparat privind insolvenţa persoanei fizice
12 01 2016
The present study represents a doctrinal assessment of the Law no. 151/2015 on insolvency procedures applicable to individuals, which was adopted by quasi-unanimous vote in the Chamber of Deputies on May 20th, 2015. While concluding the comparative analysis in the context of the Romanian judicial system particularities, we express fears that the law will most likely miss the intended target, unless the legislative body amends its c...
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Vânzarea prin licitaţie publică, potrivit Codului de procedură civilă, a bunurilor debitorului declarat în faliment
The new Law on pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures, after settling the predicament in a special manner of liquidation of the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy, including by selling assets, offers a final solution for valuing the debtor’s patrimonial assets, using the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, in order to sell by public auction the assets of the debtor. The disclosure of the purpose of the reference standard and of the compatibi...
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Infracțiunile de bancrută (III). Articolul 241 C. pen. – Bancruta frauduloasă
This study, in three parts, is dedicated to the bankruptcy crimes, simple and fraudulent, and regulated by articles art. 240-241 pf the Penal Code. This third part approaches the fraudulent bankruptcy crime. The active subject, although, de jure, not qualified, de facto is an executive within the debtor-legal person. Legal object is analyzed through the constitutive content of the infraction, which regulates three alternative ways of accomplis...
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Infracțiunile de bancrută (II). Comentarii pe articole. Articolul 240 C. pen. – Bancruta simplă
This study, in three parts, is dedicated to the bankruptcy crimes, simple and fraudulent, and regulated by articles art. 240-241 of the Penal Code. This second part approaches the simple bankruptcy crime. A natural person and a legal representative of a legal person can be active subject of the infraction, but not the legal person. A focus is made on the legal representative, to define such term with implications both civil and penal, as well ...
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