Articole de la același autor Prof. univ. dr. Ioan ADAM

Avocat, profesor universitar, Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea „Transilvania” din Braşov
Cererea de admitere a creanţelor la masa credală. Înscrierea în tabelul definitiv a creanțelor beneficiare a unei cauze de preferință
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
In the final table of claims drafted during when opening of the insolvency proceedings, in the case of the creditors who are beneficiaries of a cause of preference, together with the receivable shall be entered its accessories, too. Keywords:
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Suspendarea acțiunilor judiciare, extrajudiciare sau a măsurilor de executare silită pentru realizarea creanțelor asupra averii debitorului
Numărul 5 Anul 2017
Immediate effect of the opening of insolvency proceedings, the suspension of any action against the debtor is imperatively imposed by the law, and stops them at the stage in which they were, including during forced execution. Keywords:
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Intrarea debitorului în faliment – procedură, cazuri, efecte
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency proceedings regulates, in addition to the judicial reorganization procedure, the bankruptcy procedure, which applies in cases expressly provided by law, being the final solution through which creditors can satisfy their claims. Keywords:
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea creditorului
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
At the expiry of the 60 days term from the maturity of the payment obligation when the creditor may request the opening of the insolvency proceedings against the debtor has the legal nature of a grace period established by the legislator in favor of the debtor and which qualifies as a restriction of the creditor’s right to act against the debtor in opening the insolvency proceedings.
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea debitorului. Obligaţia debitorului de a formula cererea
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
The opening of insolvency procedure on debtor’s request is done either when he finds insufficient funds available for the payment of due debts or when he finds that he will not be able to pay at the due date the due debts incurred with the money funds available at maturity
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