Articole din categoria: Numărul 7

Class action á la roumaine
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
This article aims to assess the impact of changes of Law No. 193/2000 intervened through Law No. 214/2013 for the approval O.U.G. No. 4/2013 on the amendment of Law No. 76/2012 for the implementation of Law No. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure, and for amending and supplementing of regulation on disputes between professionals and consumers concerning unfair terms in contracts of adhesion. The author deals with an extremely important new...
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Class action şi clauzele abuzive
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
Changes to Law no. 193/ 2000 on unfair terms in contracts concluded between professionals and consumers by Law no. 76/2012 for the implementation of Law no. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure , seem to configure, by article 12 and 13, in their new formulation, a novel form, that of class action. This can be promoted, only in the case of contracts of adhesion, by The National Authority for Consumer Protection or by the associations for co...
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Efectele erga omnes ale hotărârilor judecătoreşti pronunţate în acţiunile în eliminarea clauzelor abuzive din contractele standard de consum
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The paper analyses the new collective actions for elimination of unfair terms from consumer contracts with regard to the effects of the judgments rendered in these cases. The judicial instruments for correcting unfair terms from standard contracts create an incomplete mechanism which produces an improper erga omnes effect.In the context of postponing this regulation, a legislative intervention is required for optimizing judgment...
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Procesul civil internaţional în reglementarea noului Cod de procedură civilă Partea II: Competenţa internaţională a instanţelor române (art. 1070-1077)
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The coming into force of the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, on February 15th 2013, has resulted in new rules on the civil trial with a foreign element, repealing the last remaining articles of Law no. 105/1992. This paper is the second of a series which aims to provide a general analisys of the new legal provisions, correlating them with the former regulation and relevant jurisprudence, as well as the European legislation with which it mi...
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Cesiunea de creanţă de drepturi litigioase. Tratamentul fiscal
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
This article deals with the issue of assignment of litigation rights and how this matter has been regulated in tax law and the relationship between tax issues and civilian regulation and case-law. We followed the definition of the claim against the Romanian state in the light of European Court of Human Rights case-law and how the effects of these decisions are mostly applicable in conceptualizing the tax treatment of property alienation of per...
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Plata TVA la cesiunea drepturilor de autor. Între legalitate şi ilegalitate (I)
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
National Tax Administration Agency started an extensive campaign to register ex officio, for the purpose of collecting VAT, of persons who receive income from intellectual property rights.The interpretation given by the tax authorities to some legal diffuse texts affects hundreds of writers, artists, architects, journalists and representatives of other socio-professional categories that have earned revenues in return fo...
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Despre principii – în veșnica problemă a TVA-ului aferent tranzacțiilor imobiliare…
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
This article approaches an old story which started in September 2009 and which, for at least two years, was the priority of fiscal control in Romania: the VAT regarding real property transactions. The article does not focus on the material law norms concerning the imposition of VAT, but on the law principles that should be taken into account when construing the fiscal legislation prior to 2010 and, impliedly, that should be considered by the n...
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Calificarea după lex fori a unui litigiu cu element de extraneitate de către instanța străină, sub imperiul Convenției Bruxelles I. Excepția necompetenței. Monopolul de jure al Baroului Federal Austriac – ÖRAK asupra reprezentării în faţa instanţelor din această ţară. Lipsa unui avocat de concordanţă
The comments on this case stand for an analysis of the way in which the foreign court (Austrian court) qualified by lex fori a juridical relation with an foreign element as well as the reasons for which the exception of lack of jurisdiction could not be used due to some procedural impediments (the de jure monopoly of the Austrian Federal Bar Association – ÖRAK over the representation before courts in this country).
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Efecte specifice ale încetării contractului de franciză
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The franchise agreement judicially regulates the economic operation by which the trader, who successfully carries his economic activity, provides another trader, who is independent and carefully selected, the trademark and know how to be exploited, and also assistance during contract. When the franchise contract comes to an end, it ceases to have effect, thus the former franchisee is obliged immediately to no longer use the trademark and know...
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Examen al practicii judiciare în materia atragerii răspunderii organelor de conducere ale debitoarei aflate în încetare de plăţi. Atragerea răspunderii administratorului în condiţiile art. 138 alin. (1) lit. d) din Legea nr. 85/2006
Numărul 7 Anul 2012
The cases under analysis are presented from two argumentation perspectives, a major one and a minor one, both leading (with regard to the same factual situation) to contrary solutions: admitting or dismissing the action for the liability of the administrator and/ or other managers for the debtor’s stopping payments.
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