Articole din categoria: Numărul 5

Legea nr. 77/2016 privind darea în plată a unor bunuri imobile în vederea stingerii obligațiilor asumate prin credite. Analiză comparativă a principalelor instituții menționate în lege, drept comparat, respectiv a incidenței unui potențial control de constituționalitate
Numărul 5 Anul 2016
In the hereby article we sought to provide a prima facie comparative analysis over the institutions involved in the concept of datio in solutum as envisaged by the Law no. 77/2016, its possible judicial and economical effects and the possibility of undergoing a constitutional review.We started with short analysis over the main institutions relevant for the above mention law as they are provided by the Civil Code, such as, datio in solutu...
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Reprezintă mecanismele instituite prin Ordonanța Guvernului nr. 38/2015 un remediu efectiv al supraîndatorării consumatorului român de credite?
Numărul 5 Anul 2016
The study analyzes the recent legal act regarding the consumer protection in relation to professionals, with particular application to the relationship bank – consumer and to the efficiency of the and alternative dispute resolution mechanism between them in terms of its aptitude to be an effective remedy for the consumer credit indebtedness. ...
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Tehnici de simplificare în arbitrajul internaţional: câteva consideraţii asupra instrumentelor IBA
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
International arbitration developed at the crossroads between civil law and Anglo-Saxon legal traditions. The necessity of finding common instrumentalities to resolve international disputes inevitably led to hybrid procedures, most of which borrowed elements from these two legal families but developed with an identity of their own. Simplification lies at the heart of this process. First, arbitration as a creature of consent is molded to match ...
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Legea insolvenței persoanei fizice incompatibilă cu dreptul Uniunii Europene și contrară jurisprudenței Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene. O lege care încalcă dreptul
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
The fierceness in supporting the adoption of a law whose application will result in the destruction of Romanian citizens open a chapter related to the reasons that support such an initiative given that, in addition to delicate social issues, one can observe interests that cannot be attached to the protection of fundamental rights and cannot be explained via EU legislation and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.The seriou...
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Scutirea practicienilor în insolvenţă (administrator/lichidator judiciar) de la plata taxelor sau tarifelor pentru serviciile de cadastru şi publicitate imobiliară către Agenţia Naţională de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI), through its territorial offices and agencies, has the legal obligation to offer its services free of charge to insolvent companies, according to the specific legal regulations in force which are indicated in this study. The main arguments are based on the speciality rules, the chronologic principle of adopting legal acts, as well as the principle of hierarchy and legal force of ju...
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Primele de capital – o abordare teoretică şi practică
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
Various categories of capital premiums (issue premiums, merger premiums, etc.) are elements known by those working with companies’ law, either in theory or in practice. However, there is no single approach with respect to the concept, which would take into account all the types of capital premiums. Similarly, with a few exceptions, there is no theoretical study with respect to the various problems recently occurred in practice with respect to...
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Convenţii fiscale internaţionale privind evitarea dublei impuneri
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
International double taxation is an excessive fiscal requirement on the taxpayer income and assets, representing a barrier to the movement of capital and to processes for enhancing cooperation between countries and enhancing economic and financial relations between them. For this reason states are concerned with finding solutions to avoid it, tax conventions whose provisions include the principles, criteria, methods and procedures that will en...
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Forum Shopping Revisited: un scenariu încă posibil în acţiunile în despăgubire pentru prejudiciile generate de cartelurile transfrontaliere
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
This article aims to reassess the practice of forum-shopping in transnational cartel damages actions, which has been consistently criticized by EU bodies. In the view of EU bodies, the heterogeneity of the national rules governing actions for damages affects the substantive effectiveness of the right to compensation that derive from the TFEU. Such an attitude stems more from rhetoric of prejudice than from an objective consideration of forum s...
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Adnotări la Kásler c. OTP Jelzálogbank. Cheie de lectură a unei hotărâri a Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene privind clauzele abuzive în contractele de credit de consum
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
The Court of Justice of the European Union held on a request for a preliminary ruling (Kásler v OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt, C-26/13, 30 April 2014) concerning the allegedly unfair contractual term relating to the exchange rate applicable to repayments of a loan denominated in a foreign currency. This paper gives further explanations for the answers of the Court and analyses the relevance of these answers for the Romanian consumer of CHF de...
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Jurisprudenţa recentă a Curţii Federale de Justiţie a Germaniei în materia comisionului de analiză a dosarului în contractul de credit pentru consum
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice issued on 13 May 2014 two decisions (XI ZR 405/12 and XI ZR 170/13) stating that contractual term regarding the processing fee in consumer loans is unfair and thus ineffective. This paper briefly explains the reasons for the Court’s decisions, which may be of certain importance for the on-going debates among Romanian scholars. ...
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