Articole din categoria: Numărul 5

Platformele digitale – o nouă arhitectură a întreprinderii (I)
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Digital platforms are innovative structures that create challenges for many areas of incidence, with business law being particularly targeted. Their massive presence in most business sectors puts us in a race against time to understand them, in the hope of being able to perceive the changes they bring about. The question we ask with our two‑part study is to what extent they illustrate a new enterprise architecture.In order to addr...
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Termenul de prescripție pentru executarea unei hotărâri de angajare a răspunderii solidare potrivit dispozițiilor Legii nr. 85/2014 atunci când pasivul debitorului include și datorii bugetare
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
In this article we are going to analyze the premises that were the basis of the referral to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in the procedure regulated by art. 519 et seq. C. pr. civ., regarding the issue of the applicable legal regime, in particular of the prescription for the execution of a budgetary claim established by a court decision pronounced in the joint liability procedure provided for by law no. 85/2014 on insolvency p...
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Dovada socială și rolul ei în sfera judiciară
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Being convinced does not mean defeating your criticism, reason and free will. Being convinced does not mean giving in to the insistence of the one who wants to be convincing. To be convinced means, simply, to find bridges between the thesis proposed to you and two types of interests – the personal and the general ones. The principle of social proof, theorized and popularized by Professor Robert Cialdini, explains why these bridges exist...
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Evoluții legislative relevante în utilizarea instrumentelor și proceselor digitale în materia dreptului societar
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Increasing the transparency of business activities, digitalisation of cross‑border public services and facilitating the access of companies, especially SMEs, to cross‑border operations are only some of the objectives of the integrated and digital Single Market at EU level. In the Communication An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, the European Commission announced the need to assess the introduction of additional measure...
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Reflecții jurisprudențiale asupra contractelor inteligente în contextul Legii privind datele
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
As the rapid advancement of technology continues to reshape various aspects of society, the legal domain faces new challenges in adapting to the transformative capabilities of smart contracts. Through a nuanced analysis, the paper delves into the fundamental concepts and philosophical underpinnings of jurisprudence, investigating their applicability to the realm of smart contracts. Drawing on historical legal precedents and theoretical ...
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Critici cu privire la O.U.G. nr. 41/2022 pentru instituirea Sistemului național privind monitorizarea transporturilor rutiere de bunuri cu risc fiscal ridicat RO e‑Transport
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
On January 1, 2023, economic operators who purchase goods established as being in the category of those with high fiscal risk by order of the president of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration subject to road transport at national level on public roads have the obligation to register the transport on the platform RO E‑Transport. Although the stated purpose of the regulation is to make the transparency of the import and export of...
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Prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor și procedura de cunoaștere a clientelei bancare
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The study presents the actions of prevention and fighting against money laundering carried out primarily by financial institutions. Money laundering includes those financial operations by which sums of money obtained from crimes are given the appearance of legality of source. The crime of money laundering has an autonomous character compared to the predicate crime, not being conditioned by the pronouncement of a conviction for this cri...
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Relativitatea răspunderii limitate sau finalitatea unui concept protector
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The limited liability company drives around the legal system in an environment where duet o several interventions and reevaluations have as goal the distroing of the concept itself – the limited liabiliality. This is the reason why in the new law context we have to rearange the role of the limited liability of the shareholders.
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Aspecte contradictorii (i)reparabile ale efectelor mandatului fără reprezentare
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
The mandate without representation is rarely encountered in purely civil judicial practice, it mainly refers to commercial activity, the contract being objectified, as a rule, in one of its specialties (commission, consignment, shipment), and having the destination of intermediation of production activities, alienation of goods or provision of services, all exercised for profit, i.e. with the intention of obtaining profit, an aspect fro...
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Infracțiunea de operațiuni ilegale cu instrumente de plată fără numerar
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Crimes against patrimony committed in the virtual environment are in a continuous expansion as the frequency of using electronic means of payment is steadily increasing. The need to incriminate harmful acts against the patrimony that are committed by means of non‑cash payment instruments is thus undeniable.However, the new offense introduced in the Penal Code can be critically analysed by reference to its constitutive content. The ...
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