Etica oratoriei judiciare
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
As legal practitioners, lawyers play a critical role in upholding justice and defending the rights of their clients. However, the power of persuasion that comes with the profession can be easily misused if not exercised ethically. Ethical oratory is crucial for lawyers, as it ensures that they do not cross the line between advocating for their clients and manipulating or misleading the court. In this context, ethical oratory refers to the use ...
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Clauza de rezervă a dreptului de proprietate în procedura insolvenţei. Despre opozabilitatea „inopozabilă” sau în căutarea oximoronului juridic perfect
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The reserve of the title until the full payment of the price (Pactum reservati domini donec praetium solvitur) under the civil and then commercial sale contract had a vertiginous development in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it was not expressly regulated in the Civil Code or the Commercial Code, a wide range of solutions had been released over time – from challenging the validity of this clause by jurisprudence and doctrine, t...
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Pieţele fi nanciare – (posibil) domeniu al dreptului transnaţional
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The intellectual project of transnational law covers manifold areas. One of these areas is that of financial markets. Transnational realities invite the financial markets to take into account the mechanism of the transnational law itself. The transnational situations require also the combined use of the international law, the quasi-federal law of the European Union and the national legal systems. The interaction of these legal orders is just ...
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Globalizarea democraţiei vs. democraţia globalizării. Semnătura electronică –condiţie ad validitatem sau ad probationem în contractele electronice?
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
Democracy is the only political current that has become unanimously acceptedand is a way of life desired by most people around the world, at least that is the perception of the majority living in areas recognized as being led by democratic governments. The globalization of democracy is the current desideratum of the development of society and the contemporary world is in a continuous transformation due to the advancement of new technolog...
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Aspecte vizând prevenirea spălării banilor și combaterea finanţării terorismului (AML/CFT) și aspecte fiscale vizând criptoactivele
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The study is dedicated to the examination of aspects related to the prevention ofmoney laundering and combating terrorist financing (AML / CFT) and fiscal aspects related to crypto-assets.
prevention of mo...
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Cele șapte deprinderi ale oratorilor eficienţi
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
In court, the speaker must be effective. The pressure of time and the stakes of the process leave no room for hesitation. At the same time, outside the court, the judicial speaker must conduct his activity according to certain principles that will prepare him not for a plea, but for a career.
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Societate pe acţiuni. Dreptul acţionarului de a se retrage din societate. Condiţii și efecte
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The right of the shareholders to withdraw from a joint stock company, in the event of a decision of the general meeting of the shareholders activating the procedure regulated by art. 134 of the Law no. 31/1990, with the consequence that the shareholder who disagreed with such a decision has received from the company the value of the shares in possession, at a value determined by an expert according to the legal procedure, is not conditional up...
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Destinul transnaţional al unei doctrine: forum non conveniens
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
The interplay between the concept of jurisdiction and forum non conveniens theory is more or less stormy. At least in the European Union, such interplay ismanaged in favour of actor sequitur forum rei doctrine. This paper retraces thetransnational fate of forum non conveniens doctrine. As the European Union intends to be and to remain a global player, it cannot neglect anymore, at least in the its so-cal...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal în cadrul reţelei de franciză. Natura raporturilor dintre francizor şi francizaţi: operatori asociaţi
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
The relationship between the franchisor and the franchisees of his network is complex and must be regulated contractually also with regard to the obligations related to the processing of personal data. Due to the way the franchise is regulated, the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee will always be of associated operators.
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Relevanţa elementului subiectiv în ipoteza abuzului de drept
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
It is well-known that, in principle, no person entitled to a civil subjective right can be held liable for the damage caused by exercising that particular right. However, the principle of good faith and the obligation which is the result of it requires that the exercise of any civil subjective right respects its rigor. On the one hand, this means that the civil subjective right must be exercised for the purpose that has been recognized by law a...
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