Articole de la același autor Mihail DINU

Avocat, Formator în cadrul Institutului Naţional pentru Pregătirea și Perfecţionarea Avocaţilor, la disciplinele „Tehnici de argumentare judiciară” și „Public Speaking”, realizatorul rubricii "Oratorie judiciară" din Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor
Identitatea și identificarea – elemente ale persuasiunii autentice
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
In the legal system, persuasion plays a central role in the success or failure of cases presented before the court. An attorney’s ability to convince the judge is not solely based on the presentation of solid legal arguments but also on a complex set of psychological and emotional factors. Among these, the identity and identification of judges with the attorneys’ arguments are essential. These elements contribute to creating a connection betwe...
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Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Concise expression is the prerogative of authority. Sentences are not only court decisions, but also maxims characterized by the expression of a truth through a lapidary linguistic formula. The fewer words we use, the greater their weight is or seems to be. Brevity is also a form of respect. The one who practices it prepares and collects the information, filters it and keeps only the essential ones. The difficult work is his, so that the recipi...
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Cum să te faci ascultat
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The main challenge of any public speaker is to capture the audience’s attention. Listening to the speaker means both the audience’s commitment to the full reception of the message and the encouragement of the speaker, who thus receives the certainty of reaching his set goal. Naturally, all of this presupposes certain efforts on the part of the speaker, who must understand the difference between hearing and listening, the force of silence, the ...
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Dovada socială și rolul ei în sfera judiciară
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Being convinced does not mean defeating your criticism, reason and free will. Being convinced does not mean giving in to the insistence of the one who wants to be convincing. To be convinced means, simply, to find bridges between the thesis proposed to you and two types of interests – the personal and the general ones. The principle of social proof, theorized and popularized by Professor Robert Cialdini, explains why these bridges exist and ho...
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Cine controlează faptele va controla și soluția judiciară
Numărul 4 Anul 2023
In the process of persuasion reasoning and emotions are particularly emphasized in order to apply some techniques designed to attract the judge’s attention and convince him of the legitimacy of the thesis. However, the judge’s requirement is much simpler and was expressed bluntly by the dictum enshrined in Roman law: „Da mihi factum, dabo tibi jus” („Give me the facts and I will give you the legal solution”). Even though the diligent...
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Etica oratoriei judiciare
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
As legal practitioners, lawyers play a critical role in upholding justice and defending the rights of their clients. However, the power of persuasion that comes with the profession can be easily misused if not exercised ethically. Ethical oratory is crucial for lawyers, as it ensures that they do not cross the line between advocating for their clients and manipulating or misleading the court. In this context, ethical oratory refers to the use ...
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Cum să comunicăm cu încredere
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The communication process is not complete without a set of factors that help convey the message correctly. Technical elements and communication strategies are of little use when the speaker lacks confidence in both his own ability and the force of his message. Hard to fi t into patterns and impossible to simulate, confidence is the core of any effective communication and the hallmark of any speaker. ...
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Bunele practici în relaţia avocat-client
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Without many legislative opportunities for promoting their services, lawyers must rely mainly on the results of their activity. In addition, however, some methods of communication make up the best practices by which, over time, those who have understood the partnership relationship between lawyer and client have acquired professional success. ...
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Secretul este să nu te simţi bine
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In a world governed by the appearance of perfection, apparent imperfection should be doomed to failure. However, this is not the case with negotiators or orators who know that success can only be achieved with the input of others and their valorization is the first step of a ladder that those who climb must first of all descend. ...
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Corespondenţa de afaceri
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
Correspondence has a central place regardless of the field in which we carry out our professional activity. Being a means of written communication, it must obey some generally known rules. Additionally, however, business correspondence is characterised by specific elements whose knowledge and application can make the difference between success and failure. We will dwell on them in the present material.
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