Ia românească, veșmânt identitar. O perspectivă regală
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Starting from the records of the Queens (from the book Condeie regale in Convorbiri literare) but also of some of the most important of their contemporaries fascinated by their attachment to the traditional costume, the paper traces how, over time, the Romanian ia became an identity symbol. It is an approach aimed at the knowledge and development of cultural identity in a European and international context that is necessary, all the more so we...
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Secretul este să nu te simţi bine
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In a world governed by the appearance of perfection, apparent imperfection should be doomed to failure. However, this is not the case with negotiators or orators who know that success can only be achieved with the input of others and their valorization is the first step of a ladder that those who climb must first of all descend.
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Unele aspecte critice privind reglementarea instituţiei încetării de drept a contractului de muncă în Codul Muncii
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
The employment contract defines one’s own identity also through the appeal to the duration of the conventional relationship, which, in the typical form, remains undefined because the worker’s stability is subsumed as a priority to the protective purpose that underpins the labor legislation. The time factor involves the intersection with external events or arising from the will of the parties, which affect the employment relationship, leading to...
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Arbitrabilitatea litigiilor în materia societăţilor comerciale. Aspecte corelative de drept material și procesual
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
The arbitrability of the corporate litigations is, in principle, possible, especially after passing the new Civil Procedure Code (Article 542), which eliminated the condition of the pecuniary nature of the dispute. Norm of Article 63 of Companies Law no. 31/1990 does not establish an exclusive competence of the courts of law but a material and territorial one within their general competence. In addition, Article 132 paragraph (2) and following ...
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O școală de drept comercial
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
Cross-border business needs conceptualization. One of the Schools of Transnational Commercial Law that responded to this need constitutes the object of this academic analysis. The international harmonization of commercial law is closely related to the ideas spread by the school under discussion. International instruments of harmonization are plural and diverse in nature, as are the academic approaches to these instruments. This article fully ...
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Corespondenţa de afaceri
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
Correspondence has a central place regardless of the field in which we carry out our professional activity. Being a means of written communication, it must obey some generally known rules. Additionally, however, business correspondence is characterised by specific elements whose knowledge and application can make the difference between success and failure. We will dwell on them in the present material.
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Societate pe acţiuni. Dreptul acţionarului de a se retrage din societate. Condiţii și efecte
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
The right of the shareholders to withdraw from a joint stock company, in the event of a decision of the general meeting of the shareholders activating the procedure regulated by art. 134 of the Law no. 31/1990, with the consequence that the shareholder who disagreed with such a decision has received from the company the value of the shares in possession, at a value determined by an expert according to the legal procedure, is not conditional upo...
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Societăţi pe acţiuni. Natura procedurii judiciare de întocmire a unui raport suplimentar privind unele operaţiuni reclamate de acţionari
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The procedure by which the right of informing the significant shareholders, by which the drawing up of a supplementary report, is used is a special procedure, regulated by Law no. 297/2004 and Law no. 24/2017, which is completed with the provisions of the contentious procedure contained in the Code of Civil Procedure.
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Societăţi pe acţiuni. Completarea ordinii de zi a unei ședinţe a adunării generale a acţionarilor deja convocate. Apărarea drepturilor corporatiste prin mijloace de drept administrativ
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Violation of corporate rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder can also be sanctioned through administrative law instruments by the Financial Supervision Authority.On the other hand, the vote expressed against the adoption of a decision of the board of directors with the potential to violate the rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder is a manifestation of the will of the natural person – administrator – to exonerate ...
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Dreptul la Internet și dreptul la viaţa digitală
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The Internet is the new living environment of homo ciberneticus. The digital vocation belongs to all individuals born after the advent of the Internet. These digital natives are born with the right to a specifi c life, developed both in physical and online environment. For them, life cannot have a separate dimension from the Internet. From this perspective, the question arises whether the right to the Internet and the right to digital...
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