Articole din categoria: Anul 2021

Dinspre teoria dreptului transnaţional
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
The incentive ‘Towards a theory of transnational law’ suggests the existence of a possible goal. The said goal may amount to an illusion. That is why it seems appropriate to me to come ‘from the theory of transnational law’. The theory of transnational law means an intellectual worldwide project. This article aims to point out at least two developments of the project at stake. The litigation RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Communit...
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Relaţia dintre concentrarea economică și abuzul de poziţie dominantă
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
The competition on the market has been and will be current in any period. The social and economic context influences the competition rules. In order to have the best possible position in the market, some economic agents will resort to practices that violate the rules of fair competition. Because of this, a balanced competition, in an increasingly technological world, is quite difficult to maintain, because there are many factors both internal ...
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Influenţa modelelor și tendinţelor decizionale asupra jurisprudenţei Comisiei Europene
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
The purpose of this article is to analyze, on the one hand, the behave of the Commission, the planning and implementation of its competition inspections and, on the other hand, the that it may fine, on what grounds it is based, the objectives as well as their impact in relation to its case law.The aim is to find a pattern for the development of the plan to combat unfair competition, and on the basis of this we can outline an overview aim...
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Schiţă privind problemele juridice ale funcţionării inteligenţei artificiale în spaţiul juridic al omului
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Although there is much enthusiasm about the potential of artificial intelligence, the study expresses moderate skepticism when examining the limits of protecting the privacy of humans possibly attacked by intelligent machines. No matter how advanced technology may be, man will always be different from a robot.The elements that would capture the human-intelligent machine difference are essentially subject to the concept of human rights. T...
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Modalităţi de utilizare a criptoactivelor
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
The study is dedicated to the examination from a normative, theoretical and technical perspective of the utilization means of the cryptocurrencies as well as of the aspects regarding investors’ protection. Keywords: wallet,...
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Principiile persuasiunii
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Persuasion is based on a set of principles that apply in all areas, including the legal sphere. Enunciated three decades ago, the principles of persuasion crowned the research work of Professor Robert Cialdini. Based on extensive studies, experiments, and statistics, the six fundamental laws of persuasion have general applicability and help us understand why, when, and how persuasion works.
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Consecinţe economice ale datoriei publice
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
In recent years, there has been an increase in public debt in Romania. If current policies are maintained, the public debt will continue to increase, which will have a considerable impact on economic activity. I will present certain consequences and risks of this evolution. They are illustrated, moreover, by the difficulties that the government has begun to face in its financing from external financial markets: the financial cost of public deb...
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Despre economia digitală în Uniunea Europeană și evoluția dreptului antimonopol
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
Considering the technological evolution in the European space, the interaction between this sector and antitrust became relevant. Therefore, the article tackles concepts of a digital economy, like online platforms their structure, the economic relevance and last but not least, relevance for the antitrust law. At the same time, the article addresses the reaction of the European Commission to the evolution of the digital economy, not only at, bot...
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Criptoactivele. Perspectivă teoretică, tehnică și normativă
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
The study is dedicated to the examination from a normative, theoretical and technical perspective of crypto-assets. Keywords: crypto-asset, cryptocurrency, token, security token, utility token, asset referenced token, ele...
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Tehnici de negociere și argumentare
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
As legal professionals or as mere speakers, we will often find ourselves in situations that require either neutrality or the best possible resolution of conflicts. Moving away from the paradigm of the verbal duel meant to leave only one person standing, the negotiation and argumentation techniques accentuate the empathy and the desire to obtain mutual gain. Their knowledge and application translates into harmonious communication and results con...
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