The real deal v. The paper deal: de la standarde la adaptarea contractelor

Numărul 4 Anul 2021
Revista Numărul 4 Anul 2021


This text is the result of the reviews of the following publications: Stewart Macaulay, Non-Contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study, American Sociological Review, vol. 28, nr. 1, 1963; Stewart Macaulay, The Impact of Contract Law on the Economy: Less Than Meets the Eye?, Conference on Law and Modernization, Peru, 1994; Stewart Macaulay, The Real and the Paper Deal: Empirical Pictures of Relationships, Complexity and the Urge for Transparent Simply Rules, in The Modern Law Review, vol. 66, nr. 1, 2003.
Stewart Macaulay addressed in 2003 and even earlier the adequacy of contract law to the reality of business law. As his legal audience was already accustomed to, professor Macaulay did not necessarily identify a series of linear arguments in his studies; rather, ramifications developed and were even facilitated by the multivalent approach on the issue of adequacy of contracts. However, some dominant notes could be identified in his work, as the issue of the manifestation of law in action was one of the recurring themes of both the doctrine of death of contract, which is assigned to him, as well as of the law & society movement, given his contribution to its establishment.


the paper deal, the real deal, contract law, business law, law in action, doctrine of death on contract.


Textul de față este rezultatul recenzării următoarelor studii: Stewart Macaulay, Non-Contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study, American Sociological Review, vol. 28, nr. 1, 1963; Stewart Macaulay, The Impact of Contract Law on the Economy: Less Than Meets the Eye?, Conference on Law and Modernization, Peru, 1994; Stewart Macaulay, The Real and the Paper Deal: Empirical Pictures of Relationships, Complexity and the Urge for Transparent Simply Rules, în The Modern Law Review, vol. 66, nr. 1, 2003.

Stewart Macaulay punea în discuție, în 2003 și chiar și mai devreme de această
dată, adecvarea dreptului contractelor la realitățile lumii dreptului afacerilor. Astfel cum obișnuise deja cititorii juriști, profesorul Macaulay nu identifica neapărat o serie de argumente liniare pe care să le dezvolte în materialele sale: ramificațiile continuau, ba chiar erau încurajate de abordarea multivalentă a problemei adecvării contractelor. Cu toate acestea, unele note dominante au putut fi identificate în scrierile lui, iar întrebarea ridicată de către acesta privind „dreptul în acțiune” (law in action) a fost una dintre temele recurente atât ale doctrinei morții contractuale, care îi este atribuită, cât și ale curentului drept și societate, la fundamentarea căruia a contribuit.

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