Comerţul de artă între reglementare (excesivă) și vid legislativ
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
The regulations analyzed in this study have as common note their density of the one part, as well as the terminologic inconsistency and lack of substance on the other side. Although they are partly in harmony with the European regulations, in those areas where the state had the possibility to take stricter measures, it did: the example of the export regime determined by the classification of goods in the national heritage. These restrictions ...
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Despre nulitatea de drept a radierii din registrul comerţului a societăţilor (comerciale) care nu îndeplinesc anumite cerinţe legale speciale
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
Through the study having the title and the mentioned object, we set out to identify, present and analyze some of the legal implications that it may have, the legal nullity of the deletion of the (commercial) companies that did not increase their share capital, at the level and within the terms imposed by certain special laws.
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Între condiţie și termen: art. 1.420 C. civ.
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
Art. 1.420 is part of the texts that Civil Code of 2009 did not take from the old Code. The text allows – in the case of an event considered by the parties as a term, but being an event, however not realized – that the provisions of chapter dedicated by the Civil Code to the term as a modality of the civil legal act to become applicable.The present study includes, in its first part, an analysis of the substantial aspects relevant to the ...
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Considerații privitoare la modurile de aplicare și la efectele dispozițiilor tranzitorii cuprinse în prevederile art. 61 din Legea nr. 129/2019 pentru prevenirea și combaterea spălării banilor și finanțării terorismului și pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte normative
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
The purpose of this study is to prospect and evaluate the possible legal implications and effects on the activity of joint stock companies and limited partnerships on shares that have issued shares to the bearer, according to the Companies Law no. 31/1990, after the provisions of Law no. 129/2019 enter into force, with special reference to the transitional provisions established by art. 61 of that law.
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Tendințe de unificare a practicii judiciare în materia prescriptibilității cererilor privind contestarea unor clauze ce fac obiectul convențiilor de credit
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
The request for the termination of the abusive clauses in the credit agreements is imprescriptible, being subject to the regime of absolute nullity, since it penalizes violation of norms of public order. The application for the restitution of benefits provided under the canceled clauses, whether it is formulated together or separately from the main application, has a distinct prescriptible regime. As the object of the requested benefits is rep...
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Modificarea actului constitutiv al societății comerciale
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
Alteration of a company’s the charter can be implicit or explicit. When the alteration is explicit, it refers to the functioning of the company, to clauses that regulate the corporate life. Only in this case must the legal provisions regarding the alteration of the charter be respected, starting with the quorum and majority conditions of the general meeting, passing through the transparency procedure of the amending text, in order to inform t...
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Situațiile de excepție în care legiuitorul dispune continuarea mandatului după survenirea unei cauze de încetare a sa
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
Art. 2030 paragraph (2) of the Romanian Civil Code, meant to confer greater protection to the parties of the agency contract, in the specific cases set by the legislator, does not require the continuation of the contract against the will of one of the contracting parties / of their heirs’, but merely the possibility to claim damages in order to repair the damages caused by the unilateral denunciation of the contract.
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Admisibilitatea acțiunii directe în garanție pentru vicii ascunse. Natura juridică. Fundament. Temei
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
The subject of the direct action under the guarantee is a delicate and novelty in Romanian judicial practice, although the subject has been approached in the private legal space. The new Civil Code has brought an element of novelty by regulating the direct action under warranty for eviction, but not the direct action under guarantee for hidden defects. We have not yet been able to identify the reasoning behind this approach. This is why, in t...
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Probleme practice privind procedura de notificare a Consiliului Concurenței în cazul notificărilor concentrărilor economice. Colaborarea juriștilor cu economiștii
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
If an economic concentration is created by the merger or acquisition of movable assets and the turnover of the companies involved exceeds the threshold provided by law, it is necessary that this concentration be notified to the Competition Council.The Competition Council will verify the way in which this concentration affects the geographic market and the product market, being extremely important the benefits that it can bring for collab...
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Discuții referitoare la beneficiarii deducerii personale în cazul recăsătoriei soțului împreună cu care locuiește minorul provenit dintr-o căsătorie anterioară
Numărul 4 Anul 2019
The situation of the minor child from previous marriages generates confusion regarding the persons who are entitled to the personal deduction when the parent the child lives with remarries.This confusion is generated by a difference of vision between the provisions of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Tax Code, on the one hand, and the provisions of the Tax Code and the Civil Code, on the other.This study is an a...
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