Contractul ca un cal troian sau cum să prelucrezi datele consumatorilor în interes de marketing cu toată dragostea
04 01 2024
The article criticizes how the presumption of lawful acquisition of assets is often either applied inconsistently or overlooked in practice. While, in theory, this presumption provides essential safeguards to protect citizens in a democratic state from abuses of power, in practice, the burden of proof is frequently shifted onto individuals, requiring them to prove their innocence or the legal origin of their assets, despite their compliance wi...
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Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (I)
06 01 2022
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. The debate...
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Protecția drepturilor
consumatorului european
01 01 2020
consumatorului european
The single market offers European consumers direct and indirect benefits, rights and opportunities, various options and competitive prices, under quality and competitive conditions, safety for products and services circulating within the European Union.Consumer protection policy is now an integral part of the Union’s strategic objective of improving the quality of life for all its citizens. In addition to the direct actions aimed at prot...
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Tendințe de unificare a practicii judiciare în materia prescriptibilității cererilor privind contestarea unor clauze ce fac obiectul convențiilor de credit
04 01 2019
The request for the termination of the abusive clauses in the credit agreements is imprescriptible, being subject to the regime of absolute nullity, since it penalizes violation of norms of public order. The application for the restitution of benefits provided under the canceled clauses, whether it is formulated together or separately from the main application, has a distinct prescriptible regime. As the object of the requested benefits is rep...
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Particularităţile contractelor bancare în privinţa adaptării clauzelor abuzive
04 01 2018
Being the reflection of mixed operations, banking contracts involve a number of peculiarities. In the present study, we aimed to highlight the particularities of banking contracts, especially as regards the admissibility of court intervention to remedy the nullity of unfair terms in credit agreements.The court which has established the unfairness of a clause in a consumer credit agreement is required to remove it application by default. ...
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Direcții de unificare a practicii judiciare naționale în materia cererilor consumatorilor fundamentate pe clauzele abuzive din contractele de credit bancar, în lumina deciziilor CJUE
05 01 2017
The concern of the European and national legislators for consumer protection is due to the fragile position it occupies in a credit agreement. The role of the CJEU is to establish a unitary standard for the interpretation of the provisions of Directive no 1993/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, applicable in all Member States, but it is for the national courts to verify whether a clause contrary to the requirement of good faith, cau...
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Mecanisme de soluționare extrajudiciară a conflictelor dintre instituțiile de credit și consumatori
07 01 2016
The context in recent years, tailored by the distrust in financial-banking activities manifested by customers such are consumers, and by the existence in this field of a high number of ongoing disputes, has determined and justified the improvement of the legislation concerning the mechanisms of alternative and supplementary access to justice. Numerous alternative methods of dispute settlement can be identified in this respect, regardless of wh...
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Instrumentele normative de protecție a consumatorului supraîndatorat. (Din nou) despre convergență și concurență normativă în loc de editorial
05 01 2016
The interaction between the mechanisms that build the architecture of the credit consumer protection system (consumer insolvency, datio in solutum, and alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, for now) generates problems of normative convergence and competition, in what concerns consumer’s access to the procedure, and especially to the benefit of residual debt discharge, an essential point for the effectiveness of the instruments...
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Se poate vorbi de eficiența inițiativelor legislative pentru relația dintre consumator și creditorul profesionist?
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the relocation of the relationship bank – consumer following the recent legislative initiatives regarding the protection of the credit consumer and discusses the convergence or the competition of these new normative solutions, concluding that they have to be promoted with professionalism and responsibility, taking into account the economic and legal impact.
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Despre natura juridică a dării în plată a imobilelor în vederea stingerii obligațiilor asumate prin credite
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the new institution of datio in solutum of the immovable properties in order to settle the obligations through loans, in terms of its legal nature, seeking to know whether it can be placed into a pattern already known from the theory of civil obligations or if it exceeds these patterns. Datio in solutum of Law. 77/2016 is compared with the datio in solutum of the Civil Code, with the objective novation by change of ...
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