Comerţul electronic şi serviciile de transport maritim
Numărul 5 Anul 2012
The present article is the last installment of the third part discussion related to the electronic bill of lading. In the present article the author surveys the relevant international efforts related to the introduction of the electronic commerce, the impact of electronic commerce on the evolution of the bill of lading’s instruments, and connects the efforts related to the development of electronic commerce to the evolution of the electronic b...
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Dreptul acţionarilor sau asociaţilor de a formula plângere în faţa jurisdicţiilor CEDO
Numărul 5 Anul 2012
This article approaches the specific issue of the admission of the right to file complaints with the bodies of the ECHR in favor of company shareholders or partners when they report the breach of their rights ensured by the Convention as a consequence of certain actions or the lack of action filed against the company. Thus, the direct victim of the breach is the company in which the petitioners are shareholders or partners but the application ...
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