Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Try to explain things (the facts of a case, for example) as if the reader would know nothing about it, but also has not much time to read. Because of this, complicated things should be explained as simply as possible.
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Virusul în contracte. Câteva idei despre interferența pandemiei COVID-19 cu executarea contractelor civile
Numărul 2 Anul 2020
The paper aims to analyze the interference of the COVID-19 pandemic with the execution of civil contracts, discussing how economic agents affected in their activity by the combined action of the pandemic and the legislative measures enacted in order to fight it can use the theory of hardship or force majeure/fortuitous case. The authors consider that a case-by-case analysis shall be needed, as the same fact may have different legal ...
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Noile reglementări în materia conturilor de plăți cu servicii de bază. Câteva considerații cu privire la Legea nr. 258/2017
Numărul 6 Anul 2017
This article presents the main provisions of Law no. 258/2017 and critically analyzes those that would put theoretical and practical problems. The new provisions will undoubtedly increase the administrative costs of the service providers, including banks, since the law establishes a series of freezes, which, at least for vulnerable consumers, actually allow the full free use of a basic payment count. Then, service providers and credit institut...
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Jurisprudența recentă a Curții Federale de Justiție a Germaniei în materia comisioanelor de acordare a creditului și de administrare a contului în cazul contractului de economisire și creditare în domeniul locativ
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice continues to elliminate from consumer credit contracts those fees which it regards as unfair, ruling out that on the grounds of the lack of counterperformance there is an imbalance between the parties rights and liabilities. Two recent decisions, dating November 2016 and May 2017 (XI ZR 552/15 and XI 308/15) extend the control of the unfair character of terms to the Bauspar contractual savings scheme, which ...
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Câteva considerații asupra stadiului aderării României la Uniunea Bancară Europeană
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
This paper highlights the stages of Romania’s adherence to the European Banking Union (EBU). Although the initial estimated adherence schedule conceived by the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Public Finances, The Bank Deposits’ Guarantee Fund and the Authority for Financial Supervision was not respected, the transposition into national law of the relevant European legal dispositions having been delayed, at present they do...
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Noile cerinţe în materia supravegherii bancare şi a accesului la activitatea instituţiilor de credit
Numărul 3 Anul 2015
This paper presents the new rules regarding the access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, as they are to be found in EU Regulation No 575/2013 and Directive 2013/36/EU, which define the legal frame of the new European Banking Union. The presentation takes into account the economical context which led to the European Banking Union’s project in the last three ...
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Jurisprudenţa recentă a Curţii Federale de Justiţie a Germaniei în materia comisionului de analiză a dosarului în contractul de credit pentru consum
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice issued on 13 May 2014 two decisions (XI ZR 405/12 and XI ZR 170/13) stating that contractual term regarding the processing fee in consumer loans is unfair and thus ineffective. This paper briefly explains the reasons for the Court’s decisions, which may be of certain importance for the on-going debates among Romanian scholars.
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