Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Costurile arbitrale în procedura de arbitraj internaţională, Regulamentul ICC, Regulamentul ICSID. Criteriul de alocare a costurilor arbitrale. Plata TVA-ului către arbitrii din perspectiva Regulamentului ICC
Numărul 3 Anul 2017
By inserting the arbitration clause in their contract, the Parties agree that they shall both bear the costs of the arbitration proceedings equally.In its decision regarding the costs, the arbitral tribunal will consider any and all of the circumstances it deems relevant, including if and to what extent the each party carried its part of the arbitration in a time and cost-efficient manner.Regarding the subsequent allocation of cost...
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Negocierea între părți a contractului de credit
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
The paper highlights the role and importance of negotiation between the parties to the credit agreement in order to achieve the object of the contract. Being the legal instrument through which the parties materialized their goals on the desired consumer credit and offered by the bank; the credit agreement shall contain any provision that would lead to achieving the outcome pursued by the parties.The first phase of negotiation is performe...
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Compatibilitatea unui mecanism automat de dare în plată cu executarea contractelor de credit bancar
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
By approving the Law regarding datio in solutum, the Parliament intended to create a special form for an old institution – datio in solutum – especially by eliminating the necessity of obtaining the consent of the creditor for this mean of accomplishing through payment the obligations. The solution addopted produces some effects, which are unclear as being avoided through a general derogation from the Civil code, and could lea...
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Clauze abuzive în contractele de credit, așa cum rezultă din practica judiciară
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
After the intensification of the banking credit activity in the latter part of the 2000s, the economic crisis, the devaluation of the national currency and the decline of the purchasing power, the consumers that were parts in the credit contracts initiated legal actions against the commercial banks.Although the national legislation came into force several years before, the disputes in the matter of the protection of the consumer law issu...
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Consideraţii practice privind denominarea creditelor în CHF
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
The hereby article aims to present a short analisys of the legal grounds of the claims filed by the borrowers who were afforded loans in HUF, claiming the repayment of the loans at the exchange rate applied by the bank on the date of advance of the sum borrowed and the repayment of the loan instalments in RON, but, most importantly, of the legal grounds of the few decisions by which these claims were granted.There is an unprecedented ten...
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Creditarea, în contextul economic și legislativ românesc
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
Romania’s economic policy has undergone a significant change of direction lately. After several years of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, closely monitored by the IMF and the European Commission, the fiscal position of the country seem to change. Relaxation measures were implemented in 2015, as VAT cuts and wage increases. Some of these have already been implemented last year, while a new set of measures enter into force in 20...
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Transferul acțiunilor într-o societate comercială
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
This article approaches the issue of the transfer of the property right over the shares of a company, concentrating especially on the sale transfer. There are also analyzed various forms of transfer based on the size of the stake, type of the company, finance of the transaction, as well as fiscal aspects. Declaration in the company’s registries is not a specific form of transfer, but a way of making the transfer opposable to the issuer, as a ...
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Dreptul de opțiune al practicianului în insolvență cu privire la soarta contractelor debitorului, în curs la data deschiderii procedurii – „corsetul” libertății contractuale. Evaluarea despăgubirilor la care este îndreptățit contractantul debitorului în insolvență în cazul denunțării speciale reglementată de art. 123 din Legea nr. 85/2014 (art. 86 Legea nr. 85/2006)
Numărul 3 Anul 2016
In the insolvency proceeding (actually regulated by Law no. 85/2014 and previously Law no. 85/2006) the prerogative of dismissal/unilateral termination of the ongoing convention is conferred to a third party – official receiver (or liquidator), which takes over the supervision or management of the insolvent debtor’s activity from the very moment of opening of the proceeding, unilateral termination of the ongoing convention, depending on the p...
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Regimul juridic al protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal este în proces de regândire
The legal framework on data protection is in a rethinking process both from the point of view of regulation technique, meaning the pending proposals of Regulation and Directive, and from an institutional perspective. By this new legal framework and also the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, a system similar to that within the European competition is being put into place, which will gather together the national supervisor...
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Aplicarea principiului echităţii în materie fi scală. Îmbogăţirea fără justă cauză – principiu al dreptului fiscal european?
Numărul 3 Anul 2015
In systems of law, as well as in the area of current knowledge, it is the Greek and Roman civilizations that offer the ethical and moral fundamentals, as well as the legislative and institutional framework for modernity. It was easy to start with Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics where the author laid the basis of the principles of democracy, the philosophical and ethical systems, which were later confirmed and enriched by European historical ev...
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