Buna-credință în executarea obligațiilor contractuale
Numărul 3 Anul 2014
Article 1170 of the Civil Code regulates the general obligation to act in good faith in the negotiation and execution of contracts. From the legal nature of the obligation good faith has important consequences in terms of sanctioning its non-compliance: this obligation does not follow the regime of non fulfilment of an obligation contractual, i.e. it does not activate in favor of the creditor the rights stipulated in article 1516 NCC. A distin...
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Câteva aspecte de noutate privind principiul bunei-credinţe contractuale în Noul Cod civil român
Numărul 3 Anul 2014
In terms of obligations, in general, and contracts, in particular, the new Civil Code brings innovations, indeed, which will be widely discussed in the doctrine and will make the subject of jurisprudential disputes as well. The paper is an attempt to outline the novelty issues in relation to the general principles applicable to contractual good faith; we hope that, the briefer this is, the more enlightening it will be for jurists, given the fa...
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Câteva considerente privind instituţiile juridice ale etapei precontractuale
Numărul 3 Anul 2014
Preliminary contracts belong to legal institutions which, in the Romanian legal system, have not been, until the publication of the Romanian New Civil Code, legally regulated by a particular law, the Old Civil Code or the Trade Code did not comprise stipulations which specifically regulate their legal nature and the effects that these „legal constructions” produce. The existent legal provisions did not focus on the pre-contractual phase, but ...
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Instituţiile financiare internaţionale
Numărul 3 Anul 2014
Public lending has both negative and positive aspects, especially if we are considering the conditions envisaged in the general terms of public lending contracts and the role of public lending in general. Often we can witness publicized “victory” of the government regarding successful contracting of a loan, of course without a special attention being accorded to the often harsh repayment terms included in the contract. Public loan...
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Consideraţii privind societăţile sportive pe acţiuni
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
The article deals with some basic problems of the special regulation of the joint-stock companies active in the field of sports. A special and derogatory legal regime of these companies is justified. But the current regulation should be modernized, adapted to the current legal, economic and social conditions. Law on the one hand should support the establishment of these joint-stock companies, setting clear criteria and procedures, on the othe...
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Practicile şi clauzele contractuale abuzive între profesionişti
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
Regulations of unfair contractual terms and practices are a relatively new field in the relations between companies. However, its importance should not be overviewed considering the high potential risk arising from it. There are a number of legislative provisions granting to the unfair terms and practices between professionals its due importance.Both European and national regulations incline to regulate more profoundly the relations betw...
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Opţiuni procesuale în lumina jurisprudenţei europene în cauzele reunite Tulică/Plavoşin (C-249/12 şi C-250/12). Tranzacţii imobiliare efectuate de persoane fizice neînregistrate în scop de TVA
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
Several trial options lie ahead of both claimants and national judges, in ongoing fiscal litigations, in view of the determination of the VAT owing for the immovable property transactions carried out by natural persons in the boom years of 2005-2008. The fiscal prosecutions have suffered a serious setback with the publication of the ECJ decision from November 7th, 2013, in the joined Cases C‑249/12 Tulică and C‑250/12 Plavoșin
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Câteva aspecte de noutate aduse de noul Cod de procedură civilă în procedura arbitrală
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
The article presents the issues that the current Code of Civil Procedure clarifies with regard to certain doctrinal and arbitral jurisprudence controversies, as well as the way of implementing some solutions of arbitral practice at the legislative level.
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Controlul legalităţii actelor administrative şi de sancţionare referitoare la organizarea funcţionării şi funcţionarea în concret a pieţei de capital
Numărul 2 Anul 2014
The legality of the administrative, regulative or individual, acts, issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority for the organization of the working capital market are made using the administrative legal department procedures. The disproof of the sanctioned acts, issued by the Financial Supervisory Authority, will be analyzed by a specialized court, the Bucharest Court of Appeal, with the enforcements of the legal general provisions referring...
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Organizarea şi desfăşurarea adunării generale a acţionarilor societăţilor pe acţiuni admise la tranzacţionare
Numărul 1 Anul 2014
Conducting a General Meeting of Shareholders is a step in the mechanism of forming the corporate will and is regulated by rules of public order, their observance having the purpose of protecting the shareholders, the company and third parties, thus ensuring the stability of legal relationships.
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