Articole din categoria: Numărul 4

Despre natura juridică a contractului de administrare dintre o societate comercială și administratorii acesteia
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
This paper is addressing the thesis of the existence of a named management contract, having its own physiognomy and legal regime. This legal concept is analyzed both from the perspective of the special provisions of the Law no. 31/1990 – the law of companies, as well as of the new provisions of Civil Code, especially regarding the administration of the goods of another.Arguments supporting the authors’ conclusion that the management con...
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Fiducia. Condițiile de fond și de formă. Efectele contractului de fiducie
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
This article continues the series and proposes a brief analysis of the substantive and form conditions of the trust contract. If, as far as the substantive conditions are concerned, the legal text does not intend to innovate, the legal text is more than innovative in terms of form and formalities required for enforceability against the third parties. Without any claims of exhaustion of these aspects, the second part of this article is an essay...
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The Ad-hoc Mandate. Legislative and Jurisprudential Aspects
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
As shown in the literature, preventing insolvency and, if possible, removing its incidence effects on the commercial activities is at least as important as the insolvency procedure itself. As a result, the ad-hoc mandate can help the debtors in financial difficulty to maintain their business until they manage to generate cash. Considering the importance of ad-hoc mandate as a way of saving those companies from insolvency, through this article...
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Intrarea debitorului în faliment – procedură, cazuri, efecte
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency proceedings regulates, in addition to the judicial reorganization procedure, the bankruptcy procedure, which applies in cases expressly provided by law, being the final solution through which creditors can satisfy their claims. Keywords:
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Evoluţia istorică şi geografică a acţiunii colective
Numărul 4 Anul 2017
The class action had undergone an extremely sinuous and complicated historical evolution. With origins that go back to XIIth century Medieval English Law, it has been subjected countless times to reforms and reconfigurations in order to adapt it to the needs of a certain era. Initially build as an instrument for the strong and few in their fight with the many and weak, the class action had transformed into a useful and efficient instrument for...
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Examenul jurisprudenței în materia reprezentării societății și răspunderii civile a administratorilor față de societate
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
Irregularities in the company’s internal decision-making process cannot affect the validity of the company’s acts concluded with outside third parties, where the company’s agreement was based on the legal representatives’ authority to act, not on a resolution of the shareholders’ general meeting. However, case law is not unitary in this sense. When it comes to directors’ liability, views may differ on the very nature of such liability, ...
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Responsabilitatea socială corporativă din perspectivă
juridică. O discuție actuală
It is a fact that economy has undergone profound changes, in recent years, that have changed the physiognomy of companies and corporate law, and at the same time put ethics on the jurists’ agenda. The new stakeholder approach to corporate governance, regarding the maximization of the interests of all the parties impacted by the activities of a company, implicitly generates corporate social responsibility (CSR). The doctrine of ”legitimate expe...
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Câteva considerații asupra stadiului aderării României la Uniunea Bancară Europeană
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
This paper highlights the stages of Romania’s adherence to the European Banking Union (EBU). Although the initial estimated adherence schedule conceived by the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Public Finances, The Bank Deposits’ Guarantee Fund and the Authority for Financial Supervision was not respected, the transposition into national law of the relevant European legal dispositions having been delayed, at present they do...
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Prioritatea prevederilor convenţiilor pentru evitarea dublei impuneri faţă de legislaţia internă în materie fiscală
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
Double Tax Conventions are international treaties subject to public international law. Therefore, based on the rules and principles of public internaţional law, provisions of the Double Tax Conventions overrides domestic tax legislation. The extent în which this principle is expressed in the domestic tax legislation (Tax Code) does not fully observe the public international law.
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Taxa pentru eliberarea autorizaţiei de foraje sau excavări – considerații practice asupra unor elemente de neconstituționalitate
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
The local tax for drilling and excavation and consequently issuing of the required authorization, have been applied in a divergent way and causes considerable fiscal burden for contributors acting in mining industry. In many situations these obligations have been illegally set, therefore we propose a legal reading of the rules from the perspective of both ordinary and constitutional judicial practice. We also analyze hereinafter the excavation...
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