Considerații critice privind aplicarea art. 207 din Legea nr. 71/2011 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii nr. 287/2009 privind Codul civil
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The study critically analyzes the text of art. 207, para. (1) of Law no. 71/2011 for the implementation of Law no. 287/2009 on the Civil Code, according to which the new rules of conflict will immediately apply in all cases when the submission of the claim in front of the court or other competent authority was registered after the date of entry into force of the new Civil Code (1 October 2011). The legislator does not refer to the date when th...
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Câteva consideraţii cu privire la compensația legală în procedura insolvenţei
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The institution of legal set off suffered several modifications during the transition from the old Civil Code to the new Civil Code. Some alterations were foreseeable and understandable; others were the illustration of a sinuous legislative dynamics.The combination between national legislative “mutations”, bankruptcy rules related to compensation, and European rules regarding set off will generate “the recipe for success”. The issue is w...
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Autoritatea tribunalului arbitral de a exclude un arbitru lipsit de etică
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The purpose of this paper is to identify and investigate the current status of arbitral institutions’ and arbitration courts’ authority to sanction violations of unethical lawyers in cases of conflicts of interest. The parties have a fundamental right to choose their lawyer and also an independent and impartial tribunal, therefore the power source of the arbitral tribunal to exclude/disqualify a lawyer requires clarifications, since lately it h...
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Divizarea societăţilor comerciale – operaţiune în frauda creditorilor. Examen jurisprudenţial
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The purpose of the study is to analyze the answer of the judiciary practice to the issue of sanctioning a less ”orthodox” manner of defrauding the unsecured creditors – by allotting and grouping the ”undesirable” creditors to a certain entity resulted from a division, followed by a collective procedure. This ”modus operandi” is more frequently used whereas the unsecured creditors lack the effective procedures – oposition to division –...
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Unele consideraţii privind exercitarea dreptului de vot în cadrul adunării generale a acţionarilor prin mandatar
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The General meeting of shareholders is one of the most important events in the life of a joint-stock company, during which the most important decisions for the functioning of the company are taken. These decisions represent the collective will expressed by the vote of shareholders given directly, by mail or through a proxy.
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Nulitatea Hotărârii Adunării Generale
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
This article aproaches the issue of the nullity of the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of a company, aiming to realize a detailed view over a topic that raise, despite the fact that it should not, erroneous interpretations that endanger the very stability of the juridical relations. The main problems are: the shareholders legal capacity in case of assigning the shares after the ex rights date, the legal capacity of the sharehol...
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Despre corecta interpretare a art. 1579 alin. (3) din Codul civil de la 1864
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
The sudden ultravalorisation to a particular currency bank credit agreements with consumers prior to the entry to force the new Civil Code, currency considered by some authors as exotic brought in present in our country, the applicability of art. 1579 par. 3 of the Romanian Civil Code of 1864, the legal text which attempted to justify the possibility of conversion of foreign currency loans in lei and freezing of the leu-foreign currency at the ...
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Lis Pendens în regimul Regulamentului Bruxelles I
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
Brussels I Regulation establishes a system for recognition and enforcement of judgments coming from courts of the Member States within the European Union in civil and commercial matters. Following article 73 of the Regulation, its applicability was analyzed after a period of fi ve years from its entry into force. In general, it facilitated cross-border litigation, but its applicability has been criticized, among others, in relation to exclusiv...
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Lis Pendens după reformarea Regulamentului Bruxelles I
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
In 2010 the European Commission prepared a Report on the application of Brussels I Regulation as it was required by article 73 of the same Regulation. In its Report the Commission proposed several changes to be brought to the Regulation in order to improve its applicability and achieve its objectives, those of avoiding parallel proceedings and irreconcilable judgments within the courts of the Member States and providing an area of free movemen...
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Profesia de arhitect în România. PARTEA II – Exercitarea profesiei
Numărul 2 Anul 2015
The second part of the series of articles relating to the architect profession is focused on practical aspects of the profession, describing the forms in which it is performed, the actual activity of the architect, his civil liability and other issues of interest. The matters referring to the organisation of the profession have made the object of the first part of this article, published in the Romanian Review of Business Law no. 12/2014....
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