Articole din categoria: Numărul 12

Studiu de drept comparat privind insolvenţa persoanei fizice
Numărul 12 Anul 2016
The present study represents a doctrinal assessment of the Law no. 151/2015 on insolvency procedures applicable to individuals, which was adopted by quasi-unanimous vote in the Chamber of Deputies on May 20th, 2015. While concluding the comparative analysis in the context of the Romanian judicial system particularities, we express fears that the law will most likely miss the intended target, unless the legislative body amends its c...
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Fiducia. Analiza definiţiei legale. Diferenţa specifică
Numărul 12 Anul 2016
This study is the part dedicated to the legal definition of the trust in the Romanian Civil Code. As we have seen, usually defining a concept shall be made by indicating the genus proximum (the reference piont, the closest in meaning to the notion that is defined) and specific difference differentia specifica (characteristic feature of the concept that distinguishes it from other concepts contained in genus proximum...
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Răspunderea limitată și răspunderea nelimitată a asociaţilor. Pierderea beneficiului răspunderii limitate
Numărul 12 Anul 2016
Limited liability of the shareholders is a fundamental concept of the companies, considering that currently, quasi-unanimity of them, are registered as Joint Stock Companies (Corporations) or Limited Liability Company. Limited liability means that the only one that is liable for the corporate debts is the legal person, not its shareholders. Limited liability works as a veil against the personal liability of the shareholders. Thus, the maximum...
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Distanţarea publică în dreptul concurenţei – noţiune, domeniu de aplicare, natură juridică și condiţii de procedură
Numărul 12 Anul 2016
„It should be borne in mind that it is suffi cient for the Commission to show that the undertaking concerned participated in meetings at which anticompetitive agreements were concluded, without manifestly opposing them, to prove to the requisite standard that the undertaking participated in the cartel. Where participation in such meetings has been established, it is for that undertaking to put forward evidence to establish that its participati...
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Aplicarea în timp a metodologiilor reglementate de legea dreptului de autor și drepturilor conexe
Numărul 12 Anul 2015
The legal utilization of the creations in cases for which the law or the parties’ convention stipulates collective administration as the way to exercise the patrimonial copyright implies the conclusion of a non-exclusive authorization with a collective administration body. The non-exclusive licence contract imputes to users the payment of a remuneration that gives him the right to use the protected repertoire.These remunerations are est...
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La liberté de création, entre censure et droit d’auteur
Numărul 12 Anul 2015
Freedom of creation is always recognized rather as a specific fundamental right, different from the freedom of expression, because “art is not discourse”. Although sometimes presented as a competitor to author rights (the latter establishing a monopoly that allows its holder to censor the distribution of any work connected with his/hers), freedom of creation could, however, complement copyright and even specify its protection perimet...
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Limitări și conflicte de interese la numirea și în exercitarea mandatului de administrator al unei societăți comerciale
Numărul 12 Anul 2015
Members of the board of directors or board of supervisors mandate bears legal limitations and possible statutory limitations in order to ensure a fair administration, in the company’s interest, as it is sees by the law and the shareholders. To prevent the tendency of putting the personal interest above the company’s one, the law sanctions not only general issues, but defines certain particular situations considered presumptive conflictual form t...
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Desființarea RASDAQ și lansarea AeRO – Sfârșitul unei ere și un nou început
Numărul 12 Anul 2015
Dismantling of RASDAQ Market and launching of AeRO can be considered the most important events on the Romanian capital market lately. The main outcome of Law no. 151/2014 and the implementing regulation was the clarification of this segment of the capital market, and the necessity and success of this law is obvious and imperative in order to start a new stage on the Romanian capital market.
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Unele aspecte referitoare la interpretarea art. 132 alin. (3) din Legea nr. 31/1990 în funcție de poziția acționarului/asociatului față de adunarea generală care adoptă hotărârea contestată
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
Art. 132(3) of the republished Companies Law no. 31/1990, as subsequently amended and supplemented, regulates the legal action brought against the general decision of shareholders when absolute nullity reasons are invoked. What art. 132(3) does not clarify, unlike par. (2) thereof, regulating the hypothesis of the action for the annulment of the decision of the general meeting for relative nullity reasons, is whether the shareholder’s position...
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Celeritatea și caracterul special al Legii nr. 85/2014 privind procedurile de prevenire și insolvență
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
The present study presents some important aspects in the new regulation regarding prevention and insolvency procedures, focusing, above all, on the principles of speed and specialty of this law. Law no. 85/2014 brought changes regarding its procedural mechanisms, among the objectives of the normative act being the guarantee of the speed of the insolvency procedure, in order to ensure both its efficiency and effectiveness. All participants invol...
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