Articole din categoria: Numărul 11

Consideraţii privind exercitarea libertăţii de stabilire a societăţilor furnizoare de servicii mass-media audiovizuale în UE
Numărul 11 Anul 2015
Companies providing services in the field of audiovisual media find themselves in a special situation as far as freedom of establishment is concerned. This situation is based on two reasons: on one hand, as any trade company, companies providing services in the field of audiovisual media enjoy fundamental liberties as comprised in the articles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, but, on the other hand, due to their specific...
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Controverse privind executarea silită a părților sociale ale societăților cu răspundere limitată pentru datoriile personale ale asociaților
Numărul 11 Anul 2015
The article examines the possibility of enforcement on the shares of a limited liability company owned by an associate who is also a debtor, given the recent changes to the Law on Companies no. 31/1990 trough Law no. 152/2015 amending and supplementing certain regulations in the field of registration in the trade register. The author concludes that these shares may not be freely enforceable even in the context of the new legislation, bringing ...
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Efecte ale insolvenţei antreprenorului cu privire la contractul de antrepriză în contextul noii legi a insolvenţei
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The initiation of insolvency proceedings against a contractor performing construction works is likely to cause detriment to the client considering the latter’s limited rights under Romanian law in case of the contractor’s default and the divergent case law on their enforceability. This article focuses on the client’s most important concerns and tries to determine to which extent these concerns are likely to be mitigated by the entrance into f...
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Contractul de muncă în procedura insolvenţei
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
After the date of opening of insolvency proceeding, if it was not raised the right of administration, the debtor, by special administrator, is the one who decide on restructuring measures or amendments of the collective agreement, under the supervision of the insolvency administrator. The right to decide on the termination of individual employment contracts belongs to the insolvency administrator/judiciary liquidator, according to art. 123 par...
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Modernizarea sistemelor legislative europene în materia insolvenței
In the present study we aimed highlighting the areas in the field of insolvency where a modernisation of regulations is necessary, in order to address deficiencies posed by the current legislative framework. This paper aims to conduct an analysis of the concept of rescuing companies within the European reference laws and of the reasoning underlying its, taking into account the key factors that have influenced the development of various insolve...
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Procesul civil internaţional în reglementarea Noului Cod de procedură civilă Partea VIII: Arbitrajul internaţional şi efectele hotărârilor arbitrale străine (art. 1110-1132)
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The coming into force of the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, on February 15th 2013, has resulted in new rules on the civil trial with a foreign element, repealing the last remaining articles of Law no. 105/1992. This paper is the eighth of a series which aims to provide a general analisys of the new legal provisions, correlating them with the former regulation and relevant jurisprudence, as well as the European legislation with which it mi...
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Numărul 11 Anul 2014
This article makes a general presentation of the derivatives, forward, futures and options, their legal nature and the trading procedures. These instruments were intensivelly used before the 2008 recession to finance different areas. Despite that their role is significantelly reduced, they are still not just a theoretical model but also a practical one to use instruments were the principal actors of the financial market meet: issuers, brokers...
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Despre specificul competenței și a procedurii de constatare și sancționare a contravențiilor la regimul juridic al pieței de capital, al asigurărilor și al pensiilor private
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The present study has proposed as primary objective the identification, analysing and presentation of the specific legal status of observing and sanctioning by the competent authorities the facts considered by the legislation in force, as being contraventions to some specific activities of the capital market, more precisely, of some categories of financial instruments, the insurance and reinsurance and, not lastly, the activities and operation...
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Dreptul la imagine în contextul distribuirii fotografiilor pe rețelele de socializare
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The article represents a brief overview of the regulation of the right to one’s image and the limits to the use of a natural person’s image, especially by contrast with the right to free speech. Afterwards, the authors analyse the special case of distribution of portraits on social networks, pointing out the possible remedies available to the damaged persons in case of unlawful distribution of their image.
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Articolul 11 din Convenţiile Model OCDE şi ONU
Numărul 11 Anul 2013
The following paper analyses the provision of article 11 form of OECD and UN Model Conventions. Article 11 is used in both Model Conventions in order to regulate the taxation of interest incomes derived from cross-border relations. In the same time, the reader shall be informed on the way Romania has understood to regulate the taxation of the interest incomes within the double taxation convention it became party to. After more than 75 years of...
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