Articole din categoria: Anul 2015

Dreptul societar între Codul civil român şi legislaţia europeană
Numărul 11 Anul 2015
The corporate law, having its main study objective the commercial companies, is in fact, the totality of the law norms which have, as main object, the judicial rapports, whose main subjects are the commercial companies.The Romanian Civil Code adopted by Law no.287/2009 from July 17, 2009, consecrated by a monistic conception, brings substantial modifications in the matter, both in terms of embedding the Commercial Code into Civil Code, ...
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Câteva reflecții și scurte comentarii asupra Legii insolvenței consumatorilor
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
Regulation no. 151/2015 on insolvency proceedings of individuals will come into force on 26th of December 2015. Taking this into consideration, the article contains a brief review of the most important matters of a regulation that should have come into force a long time ago in the national system of laws.First of all, the regulation can be „improved”, because there are strong reasons to believe that, with this contents, the regulations wi...
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Convergență normativă sau concurență normativă? Accesibilitatea procedurii insolvenței persoanei fizice și a procedurii de soluționare alternativă a litigiilor în domeniul bancar
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
Two important mechanisms of the architecture of consumer protection systemsimultaneously start in Romania: consumer insolvency and alternative disputeresolution for consumer disputes. This study is a comparative critical analysisregarding consumer’s access to these procedures, an essential point for theeffectiveness of the instruments for consumer protection.
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Evoluţia impozitului pe succesiuni în România
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
A new element that also appeared in matters of Romanian citizens succession is the implementation of Regulation (EU ) no. 650/2012. Although the applicable law should apply to the inheritance as a whole, however, certain issues such as inheritance tax , have been excluded from the scope. Through this article we want to bring back the attention of the Romanian legal environment the succession duties, while pointing out the main stages that mark...
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Despre natura juridică și uzucapiunea servituților în noul Cod civil
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
Servitudes represent the connection of two neighboring buildings or in a mediated proximity, which facilitates their economic exploitation to the advantage the fund which becomes dominant. In return, the fund that supports the servitude is called the subservient fund.Having originally a predominantly rural character, servitudes institution become obsolete as a result of the appearance of specific regulations, such as those in the water ...
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Extinderea clauzei de arbitraj la terții nesemnatari ai convenției arbitrale în condițiile doctrinei grupului de societăți
Numărul 10 Anul 2015
The legal issue that we bring to attention within this study refers to the possibility that an arbitration convention signed by two parties may be also extended towards a third party which is a part of the group of one of the signatories.The group can be organized as a pyramid, on top being the shareholder or the dominant company, or it can have a radiant form, in which case we have in the center the entity that exercises the control. Ho...
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Despre corelațiile dintre regimul juridic al nulității hotărârilor adunărilor generale ale acționarilor și cel al nulității actelor juridice, reglementat de codul civil
Numărul 9 Anul 2015
The main purpose of this article is to identify resemblances which exist or should exist between the legal regime of nullity of the decisions of the general meetings of shareholders in joint-stock companies, set, mainly, by the Romanian Companies Law no. 31/1990, and the general legal regime of nullities set by the Civil Code. ...
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Abuzul de dreptul de vot
Numărul 9 Anul 2015
This article approaches the issue of the abuse of the voting right, from the perspective of the current legislation, that is the New Civil Code, and the fact that it conflicts with The Companies Law no. 31/1990, as well as with The Capital Market Law no. 297/2004, which laws were inspired by the former Decree no. 31/1954. The two most common forms of the abuse of the voting right, that is minority oppression and majority harassment, are analyz...
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Acțiunea în revendicare, acțiunea în evacuare din imobilele ocupate abuziv, cererile posesorii – asemănări și deosebiri
Numărul 9 Anul 2015
The comparative study of revendication, possessory action and eviction presents a great deal of interest from theoretical and from practical point of view aswell.The structure highlights the main similarities and differences between the three mentioned actions in matters of civil procedure law, taking in consideration the stages of the civil trial.The relevant provisions of substantive law are going to be presentend aswell, pointi...
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Corelaţia dintre răspunderea fiscală şi răspunderea penală
Numărul 9 Anul 2015
This article proposes a brief comparison between the procedure of fiscal responsibility laws and criminal liability procedure for committing tax offenses.As a first junction point between the two procedures, the first part of this presentation was examined notification of prosecution by tax authorities. Here it was covered the criminal procedure rules in conjunction with the provisions of legislation relating to tax audit activity....
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