Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: clauze abuzive

Tendințe de unificare a practicii judiciare în materia prescriptibilității cererilor privind contestarea unor clauze ce fac obiectul convențiilor de credit
The request for the termination of the abusive clauses in the credit agreements is imprescriptible, being subject to the regime of absolute nullity, since it penalizes violation of norms of public order. The application for the restitution of benefits provided under the canceled clauses, whether it is formulated together or separately from the main application, has a distinct prescriptible regime. As the object of the requested benefits is rep...
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Jurisprudența recentă a Curții Federale de Justiție a Germaniei în materia comisioanelor de acordare a creditului și de administrare a contului în cazul contractului de economisire și creditare în domeniul locativ
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice continues to elliminate from consumer credit contracts those fees which it regards as unfair, ruling out that on the grounds of the lack of counterperformance there is an imbalance between the parties rights and liabilities. Two recent decisions, dating November 2016 and May 2017 (XI ZR 552/15 and XI 308/15) extend the control of the unfair character of terms to the Bauspar contractual savings scheme, which ...
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Regăsirea echilibrului pierdut: deziderat comun al reglementărilor din materia clauzelor abuzive în contractele de credit bancar și a legii dării în plată
02 01 2017
The ability to identify correctly the position of datio in solutum law on all relevant issues within the current legislation determines the ability to comprehend the manner in which this legislative act represents a follow-up of legislative effort to ensure a balance of contract between consumers and professionals. In this paper we will present the manner in which the so called passing of the torch occurs between Law No. 193/2000 and
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Creditele în CHF şi consumatorii
The present paper achieves a critique to the absolute protection granted to credit consumers, a constant tendency in the relevant case-law rendered by the Romanian courts within the context of the judicial intervention into the contract for the purpose of repressing the unfair terms and of adapting the foreign currency loan contracts.
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Câteva observații cu privire la aplicarea impreviziunii în materia contractelor de credit acordate în CHF
Background: On 15 January 2015, the Swiss National Bank announced that the measures established on September 11, 2011, when it had decided to support a franc exchange rate of 1.20 francs per euro, would be changed. As a result, the exchange rate of the franc in Romania raised from 3.7 lei / franc, on 14.01.2015, to about 4.6 lei / franc, on 23.01.2015, thus surpassing the euro’s exchange rate.This event has put great financial pressure o...
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Jurisprudenţa recentă a Curţii Federale de Justiţie a Germaniei în materia comisionului de analiză a dosarului în contractul de credit pentru consum
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice issued on 13 May 2014 two decisions (XI ZR 405/12 and XI ZR 170/13) stating that contractual term regarding the processing fee in consumer loans is unfair and thus ineffective. This paper briefly explains the reasons for the Court’s decisions, which may be of certain importance for the on-going debates among Romanian scholars. ...
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Class action á la roumaine
This article aims to assess the impact of changes of Law No. 193/2000 intervened through Law No. 214/2013 for the approval O.U.G. No. 4/2013 on the amendment of Law No. 76/2012 for the implementation of Law No. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure, and for amending and supplementing of regulation on disputes between professionals and consumers concerning unfair terms in contracts of adhesion. The author deals with an extremely important new...
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Class action şi clauzele abuzive
Changes to Law no. 193/ 2000 on unfair terms in contracts concluded between professionals and consumers by Law no. 76/2012 for the implementation of Law no. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure , seem to configure, by article 12 and 13, in their new formulation, a novel form, that of class action. This can be promoted, only in the case of contracts of adhesion, by The National Authority for Consumer Protection or by the associations for co...
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Efectele erga omnes ale hotărârilor judecătoreşti pronunţate în acţiunile în eliminarea clauzelor abuzive din contractele standard de consum
The paper analyses the new collective actions for elimination of unfair terms from consumer contracts with regard to the effects of the judgments rendered in these cases. The judicial instruments for correcting unfair terms from standard contracts create an incomplete mechanism which produces an improper erga omnes effect.In the context of postponing this regulation, a legislative intervention is required for optimizing judgment...
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