Articole din categoria: Numărul 1

Noi modificări aduse procedurilor de evaluare a operațiunilor de concentrare economică prin Pachetul legislativ de modernizare 2023
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Starting from 2014, the European Commission initiated public consultations aimed at modernizing the rules concerning the control of economic concentration operations, with the objective of achieving efficiency and speed in evaluation. At the same time, efforts were made to strengthen the relationship between European and national regulations. The assessment of the application of the substantive test in the procedure for analyzing economic conc...
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Lex sportiva – o introducere
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Sports can not take place outside the law according to the latin quote „Ubi societas, ubi jus”. The difference between the sports law and other domains is that sports law attempted permanently to establish a autonomous system which encompasses rules, regulations and specialized sport jurisdictions. With all the attempts to achieve a greater autonomy, cannot function in a completely separate manner to the existing legal system...
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Câteva repere privind Legea insolvenței persoanelor fizice și modalitatea ei de aplicare în România
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Entered into force in 2018, the insolvency law of natural persons opened a necessary and useful way for honest consumers who have reached a state of insolvency. Keywords: natural persons, insolvency, traceable assets, disc...
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Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Concise expression is the prerogative of authority. Sentences are not only court decisions, but also maxims characterized by the expression of a truth through a lapidary linguistic formula. The fewer words we use, the greater their weight is or seems to be. Brevity is also a form of respect. The one who practices it prepares and collects the information, filters it and keeps only the essential ones. The difficult work is his, so that the recipi...
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Contractul transnațional – un concept evolutiv
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The notion of „transnational contract” springs from contemporary transnational realities. A number of fields, for example, the field of financial services or the field of insurance and reinsurance services, respectively, provide fertile ground for the practice of transnational law itself. The undeniable transnational realities dilute the distinctions between „domestic contract” and „international contract” and prompt national courts to evaluat...
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Scurte considerații asupra scrisorii de confort
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Through this article, the author aims to make a brief analysis of the provisions of the article 2322 of the New Civil Code regarding the comfort letter. The subject is approached both from a theoretical perspective and from a commercial practice perspective as this new legal instrument offers flexibility in creating its content and multiple practice opportunities. The text takes into account elements of international jurisprudence as well as th...
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Soluții notariale în domeniul vânzărilor de imobile cuprinse în patrimoniul cultural
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The author, after emphasizing the importance of the protective regulation for real estate, protection supported by the adoption of Law no. 422/2001 of July 18, 2001, on the protection of historical monuments, law amended, adapted and noted some uninspired statements offered by the legislator and the effects of which are ascertained by public notaries when they perform their professional services, by issuing transferable ownership documents rel...
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Ocupaţiunea și uzucapiunea în spaţiul a-naţional al internetului
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The internet is a non-national space, not subject to the sovereignty of any state. Technological corporations have imposed on the internet their own regulations and pre-formulated a-national contracts, as well as moral precepts or axiology of private origin, but having global, imperialist opposability, appropriating through occupation and usucapion both on significant fractions of this a-national space, as well as on some fractions of the inte...
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Aplicarea în timp a legii civile în privinţa hotărârilor adunării generale a asociaţilor unei societăţi cu răspundere limitată: art. 192 alin. (2) din Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societăţile
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
This article has appeared from the need to know under what conditions of quorum and majority the general meeting of shareholders of a limited liability company (LLC) adopts decisions when, during its existence, the law changes in this regard.In other words, from the need to determine how the civil law is applied over time in the mentioned situation. The question was occasioned by the amendment of Law no. 31/1990 regarding companies (in t...
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Lex societatis – o perspectivă de drept transnaţional
Numărul 1 Anul 2023
The concept of lex societatis inspired the legal reasoning made in the international and quasi-federal disputes altogether. The Barcelona Traction (1970) and Centros (1999) disputes give an indication on the fate of lex societatis, as a genuine link between the international and domestic legal orders and quasi-federal one of the European Union. This paper debates the way in which lex societatis operates across and b...
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