Articole din categoria: Anul 2022

Creanţele salariale curente în procedura insolvenţei
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Salary claims benefit from a preferential regime, in the case of the employer’s insolvency, determined by the need to protect employees. At the same time, current claims benefit from a privileged legal regime, which is justified by the imperative to continue the debtor’s activity after the opening date of the insolvency procedure.With regard to current salary claims in the insolvency procedure, the issue arises of determining the compete...
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Bunele practici în relaţia avocat-client
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Without many legislative opportunities for promoting their services, lawyers must rely mainly on the results of their activity. In addition, however, some methods of communication make up the best practices by which, over time, those who have understood the partnership relationship between lawyer and client have acquired professional success. ...
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Patrimoniul cultural ne înconjoară
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In this paper we present some general aspects of the importance and necessity of protecting and promoting cultural heritage, threats, attitudes and the need for the educational component in relation to this heritage.The aim is the knowledge of this heritage, the development of an attachment to it, and as a natural consequence an appropriate protection in order to benefit from these values as many generations as possible.
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Elemente ale patrimoniului cultural imaterial în arta contemporană, prin 3 studii de caz: Lena Constante, Mihai Olos și Mircea Cantor
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
This short case study aims to discuss – through the examples of three personalities, situated in the chronology of their artistic practice, starting with the post-war context and ending with the ultra-contemporary one – the way in which the proliferation of elements from the intangible cultural heritage in each ones body of work, contributed, on one hand, to a certain identity context, and in a broader sense, penetrating and eroding the tradit...
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Ia românească, veșmânt identitar. O perspectivă regală
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Starting from the records of the Queens (from the book Condeie regale in Convorbiri literare) but also of some of the most important of their contemporaries fascinated by their attachment to the traditional costume, the paper traces how, over time, the Romanian ia became an identity symbol. It is an approach aimed at the knowledge and development of cultural identity in a European and international context that is necessary, all the more so we...
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Secretul este să nu te simţi bine
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In a world governed by the appearance of perfection, apparent imperfection should be doomed to failure. However, this is not the case with negotiators or orators who know that success can only be achieved with the input of others and their valorization is the first step of a ladder that those who climb must first of all descend. ...
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Competenţa instanţei în litigiile privind contractul de asigurare de bunuri – unele particularităţi
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
The article analyses the aspects related to establishing the jurisdiction of the court in cases where the dispute refers to a property insurance contract. In judicial practice, many situations have been encountered in which, prior to the referral to the court, a new legal relationship is generated as a result of a debt assignment contract concluded between the injured third party and a third party – usually a company specialized in such trans...
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Critici referitoare la previzibilitatea și accesibilitatea normei penale ce incriminează infracţiunea de executare fără autorizaţie de construire sau de desfiinţare ori cu nerespectarea prevederilor acesteia a lucrărilor de intervenţie asupra monumentelor istorice sau construcţiilor amplasate în zone de protecţie a monumentelor și în zone construite protejate
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Article 24 of the Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of the execution of construction works stipulates the crime of execution without a construction permit, dismantling, or with non-compliance with its provisions refering to the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, consolidation, protection, restoration, preservation, as well as any other works, regardless of their value, carried out at all categories of historical monuments prov...
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Braconajul arheologic din Munţii Orăștiei: un fenomen infracţional care alimentează piaţa de antichităţi
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In the 90’s of the past century and the first years of the next, the Romanian authorities noticed how the archaeological sites were assaulted by all sorts of individuals, equipped with metal detection devices, some of which came from outside the country. In that transitional age when everything became gray, in which the “smart guys” started businesses in the fields in which they had been active during communist period, archaeology with its grea...
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De la moștenirea latină la construcţia patrimoniului cultural românesc în Italia
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
The cultural heritage of Italy as well as the idea of a common origin of the Romanian and Italian people represented a special attraction for the Romanian intellectuals of the interwar period. In the Romanian cultural landscape, the creation of Romanian institutes in Italy had a significant role in shaping diplomatic-cultural relations.The ambitious projects of the historians Vasile Pârvan and Nicolae Iorga represent the beginning of a ...
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