Articole din categoria: Anul 2020

„Pandemia economică” sau schimbarea regulii neintervenţionismului statului în vederea continuării afacerii
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
Throughout history, there have been many discussions about the manner of State intervention in capitalist economies, namely pure liberalism (and non intervention of the State) or State interference, in order to harmonize particular interests with the general interest.Romania has adopted a series of measures regarding the economic, financial, and social consequences of the spread of COVID-19, including by granting a number of incentives, ...
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Armonizarea politicilor ajutorului de stat cu regimul subvenţiilor la export
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
The need to harmonize State aid policies with the export subsidy regime is described in this article, both in terms of the legal basis and the advantages and disadvantages produced by it, highlighted by examples from practice. Keywords:
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Consideraţii privind protecţia investitorilor pe piaţa de capital din România
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
Stock markets are seen as a real barometer of economic development. According to this assumption, the reclassification of the Romanian stock market from Frontier to Emerging market is based on one hand, on the listing of significant issuers, on their liquidity, but on the other hand on the strengthening of the legal framework that governs the stock market. The recognition of the relevance of the stock market for the economy is linked to the hig...
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Documentul justificativ: era pe când nu s-a zărit, azi îl vedem și nu e. Regimul documentelor justificative în dreptul contabil și în dreptul fiscal
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
In the mind of most accounting and fiscal professionals, the concept of justifying document has acquired an unwarranted superiority aura in the „world” of documents, reason for which the controlling bodies continue to abuse the claim of the absence of this „particular” type of documents.This notwithstanding the absence from the new Fiscal Code of the provisions of article 21 para. 4 letter f) of the 2003 Fiscal Code, the true refuge of th...
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Despre limitarea sau ridicarea dreptului de preferinţă al acţionarilor prin clauzele actului constitutiv
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
The pre-emption right asserted by Article 216 of the Company Law is an instrument that warrants the corporate balance, protecting the shareholders, in a transparent and predictable way, in the process of company’s share capital increase. Therefore, the limitation or removal of the pre-emption right through statutory clauses is forbidden and, during the increase of the share capital, is subjected to exceptional conditions. Violation of the pre...
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Reflecţii critice asupra unei practici judiciare neunitare privind aplicarea prevederilor legale ce guvernează dizolvarea și lichidarea simultană a societăţilor, (art. 235 din Legea nr. 31/1990)
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
If the associates of the limited liability company are in agreement regarding the allocation and liquidation of the assets of the company and if they warrant payment of company’s debts or provide for a settlement of receivables with the company’s creditors, the Company Law allows them to decide, concomitantly with the dissolution of the company, the means to liquidate the company and, by their unanimous vote, to decide upon distribution, betw...
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Denunţarea unilaterală a contractelor în noul Cod civil român. Impactul articolelor 1276-1277 asupra contractului de mandat și al celui de agenţie
Numărul 5 Anul 2020
Considering the legal provisions regarding the unilateral termination of contracts enshrined in the new Romanian Civil Code, we want to bring to attention the issue of the impact they generate on the mandate and agency contracts. The right of the parties to the mandate and agency contracts to terminate the agreement unilaterally has its legal basis primarily in the special legal provisions incidental to these contracts (art. 2030-2034, 2036-20...
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Metoda votului cumulativ, în reglementarea actuală a dreptului român al pieţei de capital
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
This study is dedicated to the examination from a normative, theoretical and practical perspective, of the cumulative voting method, method for electing the members of the management and supervision bodies of joint stock companies whose securities are traded on regulated markets, method initially established by GEO no. 28/2002 on securities, financial investment services and regulated markets and by Law no. 297/2004 on the capital market (LPC...
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De la inovaţie doctrinară la normativitate transnaţională. Consideraţii asupra litigiului Bremen și alţii contra Zapata Off-Shore Co.
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
The Bremen and others v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. case could be contemplated as a purely foreign trade case and not as international trade one. This article focuses on the idea that foreign trade and international trade are two different areas.Their interplay, if any, amounts to another idea; that is to sustain that the Bremen and others v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. case can be regarded as a particular stance of the transnationa...
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Stabilirea răspunderii pentru implicarea într-o înţelegere anticoncurenţială în sarcina unei întreprinderi care nu este activă pe piaţa afectată
Numărul 4 Anul 2020
The present study takes into account the recent case law of EU courts and the practice of the Commission and of the Romanian Competition Council with regards to the concepts of party to the agreement and „facilitator” of the agreement, by puting forward arguments in the sense that for the responsability of an undertaking for its involvement in an anticompetitive agreement to be established it is not neccessary for the said undertaking to be a...
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