Articole de la același autor Mihail DINU

Avocat, Formator în cadrul Institutului Naţional pentru Pregătirea și Perfecţionarea Avocaţilor, la disciplinele „Tehnici de argumentare judiciară” și „Public Speaking”, realizatorul rubricii "Oratorie judiciară" din Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor
Secretul este să nu te simţi bine
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
In a world governed by the appearance of perfection, apparent imperfection should be doomed to failure. However, this is not the case with negotiators or orators who know that success can only be achieved with the input of others and their valorization is the first step of a ladder that those who climb must first of all descend. ...
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Corespondenţa de afaceri
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
Correspondence has a central place regardless of the field in which we carry out our professional activity. Being a means of written communication, it must obey some generally known rules. Additionally, however, business correspondence is characterised by specific elements whose knowledge and application can make the difference between success and failure. We will dwell on them in the present material.
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Arta de a avea întotdeauna dreptate
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Winning argumentative duels has always fascinated, being a topic that has preoccupied even classical thinkers, accustomed to rummaging in the depths of the mind to understand the world and its meaning. With or without the contribution of honesty, the argument can be understood as a game in which the fiercest of us are only interested in the laurels of victory. Sometimes, in order to obtain them, they will have to give up principles or the very...
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Cele șapte deprinderi ale oratorilor eficienţi
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
In court, the speaker must be effective. The pressure of time and the stakes of the process leave no room for hesitation. At the same time, outside the court, the judicial speaker must conduct his activity according to certain principles that will prepare him not for a plea, but for a career. 
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Adresarea întrebărilor în context judiciar
Numărul 1 Anul 2022
The questions asked in a judicial context are not based on curiosity. Unlike the usual conversations, judicial interrogations are intended to serve as a probative thesis, respectively to obtain information, acknowledgments or contradictions that clarify the disputed legal relations and contribute to their resolution. Preparing questions, techniques for addressing questions and anticipating the answers, those are essential steps for any litigat...
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Limbajul corporal
Numărul 6 Anul 2021
The verbal message is only one of the elements of communication, its weight being often appreciated as inferior to para-verbal and non-verbal communication.The latter, by engaging the entire body of the transmitter, outlines the overall picture that strengthens or diminishes the power of words.
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Principiile persuasiunii
Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Persuasion is based on a set of principles that apply in all areas, including the legal sphere. Enunciated three decades ago, the principles of persuasion crowned the research work of Professor Robert Cialdini. Based on extensive studies, experiments, and statistics, the six fundamental laws of persuasion have general applicability and help us understand why, when, and how persuasion works.
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Tehnici de negociere și argumentare
Numărul 4 Anul 2021
As legal professionals or as mere speakers, we will often find ourselves in situations that require either neutrality or the best possible resolution of conflicts. Moving away from the paradigm of the verbal duel meant to leave only one person standing, the negotiation and argumentation techniques accentuate the empathy and the desire to obtain mutual gain. Their knowledge and application translates into harmonious communication and results con...
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Noţiuni introductive de marketing avocaţial
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
The lawyer can promote his services either implicitly, through the results of his work, or explicitly, by observing the normative regulations and using communication methods adapted to its clients. The purpose is a transparent communication and the retention and loyalty of those on whom the entire professional activity of the lawyer depends. ...
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Noţiuni introductive de oratorie judiciară – „Stand up, speak up and shut up” (II)
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
If eloquence is the nucleus around which revolve all the other elements of oratory before the court, the judicial oratory would not be complete without the presence and the abstinence of the litigant. Knowing how to present yourself and knowing the right time to censor yourself are qualities that shape the portrait of a successful speaker. ...
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