Din nou despre false creanţe fiscale în procedura insolvenţei
09 01 2016
In a natural order of things, specialized legislators should not generate conflicts of special rules. But sometimes conflicts occur. In the following we will try to x-ray such a conflict arisen between a special provision of the Fiscal Procedure Code and of the law on insolvency proceedings.
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Arbitrabilitatea cauzelor în care una dintre părţi este o societate în insolvență
06 01 2015
The objective arbitrability of the cases in which the defendant is a company undergoing insolvency proceedings must be analyzed, on the one hand, from the perspective of the stay of proceedings provided by Article 75 of the Insolvency Law, and on the other hand, considering the scope of the bankruptcy judge’s jurisdiction, in conjunction with the interpretation given to Article 3 para. (1) of the EU Insolvency Regulation. Conclusions.
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Scutirea practicienilor în insolvenţă (administrator/lichidator judiciar) de la plata taxelor sau tarifelor pentru serviciile de cadastru şi publicitate imobiliară către Agenţia Naţională de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară
05 01 2015
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI), through its territorial offices and agencies, has the legal obligation to offer its services free of charge to insolvent companies, according to the specific legal regulations in force which are indicated in this study. The main arguments are based on the speciality rules, the chronologic principle of adopting legal acts, as well as the principle of hierarchy and legal force of ju...
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Efectele implementării Recomandării Comisiei Europene nr. 135/2014 privind o nouă abordare a eşecului în afaceri şi a insolvenţei
04 01 2015
The objective of the Recommendation (CE) 2014/135/EU on new approach to business failure and insolvency is to ensure that viable enterprises in financial difficulties, wherever they are located in the Union, have access to national insolvency frameworks which enable them to restructure at an early stage with a view to preventing their insolvency, and therefore maximize the total value to creditors, employees, owners and the economy as a whole. ...
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Răspunderea administratorilor şi asociaţilor pentru pasivul neacoperit al societăţii, în dreptul german al insolvenţei
01 01 2014
A thorough analysis of German law in the field of personal liability of administrators and associates of insolvent companies. By means of this article, the author wishes to bring into attention of all readers relevant legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence in the field of insolvency from a highly developed economy such as Germany. Analyzing the most recent legislative innovations brought upon the German system by reforms can offer insight into...
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Planul de redresare – surse de plată a creanţelor versus haircut. Planul de redresare al Unităţilor Administrativ Teritoriale
10 01 2013
As a an insolvency practitioner named to apply the reglementation of the Gouvernement Emergency Ordonance regarding the finacial crisis, I have tried to set an coherent chain coupling of decisions and activities meant to accomplish my purpose on an imaginary task. Making this exercise, made me realise that the GEO‘s main aim as it is declared in its preambule is almost impossible to aplly. In my opinion this conclusions are only the answer of t...
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Situaţia creditorilor garantaţi cu ipotecă asupra conturilor bancare în concursul cu alţi creditori în procedurile de valorificare a creanţelor
05 01 2013
The article investigates legal controversies arisen in practice regarding the status of creditors who benefit from a mortgage on the banking account of the debtor, when in concurrence with other creditors who aim to recover their receivables from the same person. With a special view at forced execution and insolvency procedures, the authors provide an analysis of the different approaches used by bank-account mortgagees in order to justify their...
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Particularităţi ale creanţelor împotriva averii debitorului insolvent rezultate din contractele de leasing
02 01 2012
Leasing contracts are useful tools for many companies in regard to their activity. Easy to complete and often containing credit conditions more relaxed than the conditions needed in obtaining a bank loan, these agreements are included in the trade funds for a significant number of companies that go insolvent.
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