Efectele implementării Recomandării Comisiei Europene nr. 135/2014 privind o nouă abordare a eşecului în afaceri şi a insolvenţei
Numărul 4 Anul 2015
The objective of the Recommendation (CE) 2014/135/EU on new approach to business failure and insolvency is to ensure that viable enterprises in financial difficulties, wherever they are located in the Union, have access to national insolvency frameworks which enable them to restructure at an early stage with a view to preventing their insolvency, and therefore maximize the total value to creditors, employees, owners and the economy as a whole. ...
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Aşteptările mediului de afaceri de la Codul Insolvenţei
Numărul 9 Anul 2014
The business environment has great expectations with regards to the Law No. 85/2014 regarding the procedures of prevention of insolvency and of insolvency, that promises to ensure an equilibrium between the interests of the creditors and those of debtors, and which, moreover, has as intrinsically scope that emphasis on preventive measures (although there are no new elements or „import” of any international practice on insolvency prevention). ...
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Originile medierii
Numărul 5 Anul 2012
“Mediation represents a way of resolving disputes amicably, with the assistance of a third party specialized as a mediator, in terms of neutrality, impartiality, confidentiality and with the free consent of the parties. Mediation is based on the trust that the parties give to the mediator, as a person fit to facilitate their negotiations and to support them in order to resolve the dispute, by reaching a mutually acceptable, effective and last...
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Sistemul de control intern
Numărul 2 Anul 2012
According to Romanian National Bank Regulation No 18/2009 regarding the administration of credit institutions activity, the internal process of evaluation of the capital adequacy to risks and the prerequisites of outsourcing their activities as well as according to Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.Internal control is a continuous process, set up for providing a reasonable insurance that the performance objectives of the bank are m...
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