Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
For the most part, added value comes from a new perspective, most often identifiable in other systems of law or even in other fi elds of study. However much we might wish otherwise, it is exceptionally rare that we can claim paternity over a question of law. Almost always, in its substance, the researched problem will have been formulated before, perhaps in other words, in other times, in a different place or with a different starting point. C...
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„(În dragoste) totul s-a cam scris/ Și de mână și de tipar”
„… I mostly rewrite. Unlike in high school or during law school, when it was a sacrilege to cut even a single word I had written, now I am merciless in eliminating pages, if they don’t fi t the message I wish to send. (I notice that the LLM students have the same problem: they do not wish to cut certain parts of their thesis if I suggest them to do so). I often replace words, phrases, paragraphs, pages.”
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Cum scriem?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The title of your topic may or not generate curiosity to read a text. There is an American joke saying that „Before writing a book, sell it!”. The same thing happens when you write a text. In order to get the attention of the reader you need to offer her or him an inciting topic, able to make her or him hope that will obtain useful information. ...
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
When I write, I always want to imprint, especially in course materials, monographs and treatises, the “ghost of the author”, that sondergut, as the Germans call it, that is the part of the book that belongs to the author beyond a doubt, original without discussion, not inspired from intellectual readings or intersections with other authors. ...
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You never walk (run) alone!
Writing can be like running. You must practice every day if you want to run a marathon; if you want to write well, you must read enormously. When you are writing, you should always consider the reader. If writing is like running, remember to run along with your reader!
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Să scrii ca un jurist
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I am interested in how jurists should write as jurists, and not as jurists performing a legal or judicial profession. Thus, in this article I shall present my own working method, which I try to use every time I stand in front of a blank page asking for its doctrinal legal text.
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Răspunsul meu la întrebarea „Cum scrieţi?” Scriu din pasiune!
Valuable writing is and remains the objectivation of creative thinking, which works and is fruitful only at a high temperature of intellectual involvement of the author.Therefore, valuable ideas, which do not join the play of creative passion, in many cases are simply freezed and remain so.
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I learned that memorials and legal opinions must follow the logic of a rigorous syllogism: major premise – minor premise – conclusion. Plus the obsessive concern for systematisation, the attention to the forest before concern for trees, the right separation of levels and perspectives and, above all, the supreme rule: as many details in as few words.
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Cum scriu când scriu teorie juridică și… de ce?
Writing a legal text entails some particularities resulting from the specific of this communication and from the category of readers is addressed to. There is an even greater responsibility when drafting legal theory, due to the larger number of readers is expected to provide interest in the text. Several important rules to follow in the process of writing are provided herein.
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Cum scriu?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
When I write an article, I am trying to transmit not only the information I found through my research, but also my view on that subject, to persuade that I can contribute with an interpretation (in a broad sense) that may brink added value. (…) The process of learning [in the field of style] is a solitary one and, for most of its part, based on the trial-and-error method: every author is responsible to find his or her own models and his ...
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