Compensarea creanţelor şi datoriilor reciproce ale creditorului şi debitorului în procedura insolvenţei
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
The compensation institution of mutual receivables and payables of the creditor and debtor has regulators, both in the Insolvency Law and in Common Law. However, in the operational practice of this legal institution of extinction of obligations, during the insolvency procedure, we notice that the insolvency practitioners are avoiding this operation, as well as the syndic judges are reluctant when rulling over compensation.Men...
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Scurt istoric al Camerelor de Comerţ şi Industrie din România şi transformarea instituţională a acestora până la cel de-al doilea Razboi Mondial (I)
Numărul 5 Anul 2014
In Romania, an important institution that created emulation in organizing and developing the commercial relation was and still is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with roots in the mid-nineteenth century. This entity had a major role in the economy of Romania, for almost a century (1864-1945). Nevertheless, the history and the beneficial role of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry to the development of the modern Romania in over 80 year...
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Aspecte generale legate de competenţa judecătorului stagiar
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
In the Romanian juridical space, recent years have witnessed a series of fundamental reforms aiming at both substantive law and procedural law, and resulting in the adoption of new codes, the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. Yet, the legislature, and even the doctrine, have not been concerned with certain issues of practical importance. One of these issues regards the jurisdiction of a trainee judge. In this paper, after an overview...
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Restricţii de concurenţă în sistemele de franciză. Analiza Deciziei Consiliului Concurenţei nr. 65 din 31 octombrie 2012 privind acceptarea angajamentelor asumate de Fornetti România S.R.L.
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
The franchise has specific characteristics within the various trading systems, which triggers the need to modulate the legal regime applicable to franchise agreements from the perspective of the enforcement of competition legislation, which can be seen in a number of ways. First, the observance of the price recommended by the franchisor may be the mere expression of a reasonable commercial conduct of franchisees, of the requirement to ensure a...
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Validitatea şi eficacitatea limitată a convenţiei arbitrale în raport cu unele proceduri speciale, cu referire la procedura ordonanţei de plată
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
As a rule, according to Article 533 of the New Code of civil procedure, ”making of a arbitration convention precludes, for the case, the competence of the courts of law”.Nevertheless, according to Article 554(2)(b) of the New Code of civil procedure, ”the court of law shall retain competence when … (b) the arbitration convention is null and void or ineffective”, and also under other specific provisions, the effects of the arbitrat...
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Dovedirea încălcărilor aduse dreptului de autor prin utilizarea capcanelor
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
Traps are formal, deliberately wrong elements, that certain authors use in order to detect a possibly unauthorized reproduction of their work, the occurrence of such an error in two or more works being likely to cause a simple presumption of illegal copying. The fundamental role of traps comes within the scope of evidence, in a potential claim form covering the liability in tort of the author of such an illegal act.The paper discusses t...
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Drepturile şi obligaţiile derivate din calitatea de proprietar al obligaţiunilor emise de o societate şi cea de emitent al acestora
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
The issuing of bonds is a way of financing the activity of the company and is a type of financing much more inexpensive than the ones offered by banks, recommending it for attracting necessary funds.
bonds, bond...
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Numărul de asociaţi. Simulaţia pluralităţii
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
The article aproaches the issue of the number of shareholders in a company. Whereas there is a shareholder with a few or just one share and the second with all the other shares, the question is that such situation might infringe the provision of the minimum duality of the shareholders in a corporation, through a simulation. The conclusion of the article is that the legislator should promote the sole shareholder corporation, for it is accepted b...
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Procesul civil internaţional în reglementarea noului Cod de procedură civilă Partea V: Legea aplicabilă în procesul civil internaţional (art. 1082 – 1092)
Numărul 4 Anul 2014
The coming into force of the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, on February 15th 2013, has resulted in new rules on the civil trial with a foreign element, repealing the last remaining articles of Law no. 105/1992. This paper is the fifth of a series which aims to provide a general analisys of the new legal provisions, correlating them with the former regulation and relevant jurisprudence, as well as the European legislation with which it migh...
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Principiul echilibrului contractual în noul Cod Civil şi în dreptul consumului
Numărul 3 Anul 2014
The coming into effect of the new Civil Code meant, among others, the changing of the contractual paradigm based on the principle of autonomy of will. The principle of the contractual balance is the new coordinator of the life of the contract and its conceptual tools are lesion – as vice of consent – and unpredictability. Both institutions are designed to ensure harmony of the content of the contract: the first one, in the initial moment, of i...
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