Modificarea actului constitutiv al societăţilor aflate în procedura de reorganizare
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
In the case of a company in the framework of the judicial reorganization procedure, for the smooth running of the procedure and in order to successfully close this procedure, it is possible to identify the need to amend the constitutive act of the debtor; this corporate event can be achieved by carrying out, in this special situation, two complementary legal procedures, specific to corporate law and insolvency law; in other words, such a chan...
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Controlul de gestiune în cadrul unei societăţi cu răspundere limitată
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The control of the documents and the activity of the limited liability company is a personal non-patrimonial right that belongs to each associate, who does not also have the capacity of administrator, based on his quality and his legitimate interest in knowing the financial situation and the patrimonial evolution of the company.
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Societate pe acţiuni. Dreptul acţionarului de a se retrage din societate. Condiţii și efecte
Numărul 4 Anul 2022
The right of the shareholders to withdraw from a joint stock company, in the event of a decision of the general meeting of the shareholders activating the procedure regulated by art. 134 of the Law no. 31/1990, with the consequence that the shareholder who disagreed with such a decision has received from the company the value of the shares in possession, at a value determined by an expert according to the legal procedure, is not conditional upo...
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Societăţi pe acţiuni. Natura procedurii judiciare de întocmire a unui raport suplimentar privind unele operaţiuni reclamate de acţionari
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
The procedure by which the right of informing the significant shareholders, by which the drawing up of a supplementary report, is used is a special procedure, regulated by Law no. 297/2004 and Law no. 24/2017, which is completed with the provisions of the contentious procedure contained in the Code of Civil Procedure.
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Societăţi pe acţiuni. Completarea ordinii de zi a unei ședinţe a adunării generale a acţionarilor deja convocate. Apărarea drepturilor corporatiste prin mijloace de drept administrativ
Numărul 3 Anul 2022
Violation of corporate rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder can also be sanctioned through administrative law instruments by the Financial Supervision Authority.On the other hand, the vote expressed against the adoption of a decision of the board of directors with the potential to violate the rights derived from the capacity of a shareholder is a manifestation of the will of the natural person – administrator – to exonerate ...
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Societate pe acţiuni. Dreptul acţionarului de a se retrage din societate. Condiţii și efecte
Numărul 2 Anul 2022
The right of the shareholders to withdraw from a joint stock company, in the event of a decision of the general meeting of the shareholders activating the procedure regulated by art. 134 of the Law no. 31/1990, with the consequence that the shareholder who disagreed with such a decision has received from the company the value of the shares in possession, at a value determined by an expert according to the legal procedure, is not conditional up...
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Impactul noilor tehnologii în funcţionarea societăţilor pe acţiuni
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The most important event in the life of a joint stock company is the general meeting of shareholders, be it either ordinary or extraordinary, a meeting in which the shareholders establish, by vote, the direction of the development course of its activity. Traditionally, the expression of the vote in the general meeting was done within the organized framework of the meeting by expressing it directly or through a representative. The evolution of s...
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Consiliul de administraţie vs. consiliul de supraveghere –implicaţii, competenţe și limite în actul de administrare al societăţii pe acţiuni
Numărul 6 Anul 2020
The Board of Directors and t he Supervisory Board are two essential structures within the operating mechanism of a joint stock company, both structures are organized as collegial bodies of the company, the operating of one or the other being organized within a joint stock company in accordance with its management system as decided by the shareholders, at the establishment of the company or afterwards, during its operation, by a resolution of th...
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Unele consideraţii privind exercitarea dreptului de vot în cadrul adunării generale a acţionarilor prin mandatar
Numărul 2 Anul 2016
The General meeting of shareholders is one of the most important events in the life of a joint-stock company, during which the most important decisions for the functioning of the company are taken. These decisions represent the collective will expressed by the vote of shareholders given directly, by mail or through a proxy.
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Aspecte privind delimitarea instituţiei divizării parţiale de instituţia aportului în natură pentru formarea sau majorarea capitalului social
Numărul 1 Anul 2015
Companies Act regulates two institutions with similar purpose for the recipient of the effects of these institutions – social capital of a company being set up or increase the capital of an existing company, in both versions through a execution of a contribution in kind. The need to distinguish between the two institutions, the partial division of the contribution in kind, has both theoretical and practical importance by identifying and ...
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