După 20 de ani… RRDA
Înființată într-o perioadă de efervescență, în care scriitura în domeniul dreptului era o îndeletnicire firească unui profesionist al dreptului, Revista Română de Drept al Afacerilor (RRDA) a fost de la bun început o apariție necesară în peisajul publicistic de specialitate.
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Spontaneitatea și gestionarea anxietăţii
ABSTRACT Spontaneity is considered a quality of talented speakers. In reality, it can be an attribute of any speaker who understands that to act naturally, one must control anxiety – the restlessness and excessive worry that paralyze initiative. Effective anxiety management is essential to allow spontaneous expression and take advantage…
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Finanţarea structurilor sportive în România
ABSTRACT A significant and intricate component of Romanian sports law involves financing the activity of sports structures. In Romania, an overwhelming majority of sports structures are funded from public sources. Whether we refer to public or private law sports structures, both have the capacity to benefit from public funds allocated…
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Aplicaţiile de recunoaștere facială în context legal
ABSTRACT This work presents a face detection application, which is governed by users, through an app. Each user can upload pictures of themselves in the app and then give consent for processing. The app will then train a computer vision AI model based on the inputs provided by the user….
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Publicația este singura de pe piața românească dedicată Dreptului Afacerilor, oferind informaţii la zi din toate domeniile specifice: drept societar, drept fiscal, obligații contractuale, insolvență, concurență, drept imobiliar, drept bancar, arbitraj. Pe lângă articole de doctrină, revista urmărește soluțiile pronunțate de instanțele judecătorești naționale sau europene, oferind jurisprudență relevantă comentată de practicieni. Autorii articolelor sunt personalități ale lumii juridice din România.

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Spontaneitatea și gestionarea anxietăţii
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Spontaneity is considered a quality of talented speakers. In reality, it can be an attribute of any speaker who understands that to act naturally, one must control anxiety – the restlessness and excessive worry that paralyze initiative. Effective anxiety management is essential to allow spontaneous expression and take advantage of opportunities. In this context, it is important to know the most important methods to break the chains of anxiety a...
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Finanţarea structurilor sportive în România
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
A significant and intricate component of Romanian sports law involves financing the activity of sports structures. In Romania, an overwhelming majority of sports structures are funded from public sources. Whether we refer to public or private law sports structures, both have the capacity to benefit from public funds allocated by Romanian state through projects for non-profit activities of general interest, financing contracts, or subsidies, due...
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Aplicaţiile de recunoaștere facială în context legal
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
This work presents a face detection application, which is governed by users, through an app. Each user can upload pictures of themselves in the app and then give consent for processing. The app will then train a computer vision AI model based on the inputs provided by the user. Once this process is finished, the user can request the app to search the internet for their face. Afterwards, the user can decide what should the system do in case of p...
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Restrângerea nejustificată a dreptului de a fi reprezentat la înmatricularea autovehiculelor precum și perturbarea mediului concurenţial prin procedura prevăzută în Ordinul M.A.I. nr. 1501/2006
This study analyses the impact of unjustified restrictions on the right to be represented in the vehicle registration procedure and the disruption of the competitive environment through the procedures set out in Order of Ministry of Internal Affair no 1501/2006. By assessing the legislation and administrative practices in this area, we identify discrepancies between the rules imposed and the stated objectives of ensuring fairness and efficienc...
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Notarii vs blockchain
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
We are all preparing for the technological revolution. Never in history has man been more affected by the extremely rapid changes happening around him. Of these, blockchain technology seems to have the biggest impact, being likened, not infrequently, to the fizz we all knew when the internet came into being. But unlike the internet, blockchain affects our lives much more visibly. It not only gives us access to information, but also the ability...
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Managing the risk arising from defective products and e-commerce in a comparative perspective
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The paper aims to provide some remarks on the topic of managing the risk of third-party manufacturers placing defective products on the market through e-commerce and online marketplaces. Starting with considerations regarding the role that e-commerce platforms play in the market, this paper will analyze how the European policymaker addresses these issues in the text of the revised directive on liability for defective products, as approved by t...
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Digitalizarea vs Incidentele de Integritate în Administraţia Publică
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Digitalization in public administration promises greater efficiency and transparency. Digitalization facilitates access to information and processes, thereby reducing opportunities for corrupt acts and increasing accountability. Moreover, digital solutions can help prevent corruption by monitoring transactions and detecting suspicious activity. However, there are risks associated with data security, and integrity incidents can occur when info...
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Responsabilitatea extinsă a producătorului – mecanism de gestionare a deșeurilor
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
Waste management in the Republic of Moldova needs improvements andtransformation into sustainable materials management. This transformation is necessary to protect, conserve, and enhance environmental quality and ensure human health protection. Additionally, it is crucial for the prudent, efficient, and rational use of natural resources, promoting circular economy principles, and supporting the use of renewable energy sources. These chang...
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Măsurile standard de cunoaștere a clientelei furnizorilor de servicii de jocuri de noroc în vederea prevenirii și combaterii spălării banilor și finanţării terorismului
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The work of preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing is an obligation of all states, united under the same standards of customer knowledge to eliminate this phenomenon in all areas of economic and social life. The need to apply all appropriate measures is all the more evident in the field of gambling, knowing that reality has shown an evolution of the phenomenon of money laundering and terrorist financing, in line with ...
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Prevenirea riscului cibernetic asociat fraudelor cu cardurile bancare de credit
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The digitisation of financial services and the adoption of new digital technologies have increased the risk exposure of financial institutions. The cyber security risk associated with bank credit card fraud is one of the most prominent forms of cyber crime in the financial and banking sector. For this reason, the prevention of this criminal phenomenon continues to be a major priority for regulators and supervisors in the financial and banking ...
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Impactul noilor tehnologii din perspectiva investigaţiei criminalistice
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The article explores the impact of modern technologies and artificial intelligence on surveillance and investigative activities in the criminal field, highlighting the associated challenges and opportunities. The international context, characterized by the expansion of organized crime and terrorism, requires efficient methods of crime control, and technological advancements have a significant impact in this regard.New technologies, includ...
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Contracts concluded by electronic means in Georgian Law: the path towards europeanization
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The Law of Georgia dated 14 March 2008 „On Electronic Signature and Electronic Document” was abolished by the Law of Georgia dated 21 April 2017 „On Electronic Documents and Electronic Trust Services”.The reason for developing the new law was that its predecessor was adopted in 2008, after which some factual circumstances in Georgia changed substantially.The purpose of the current law is to determine the legal mechanisms for the us...
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The data protection in the metaverse
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
The article examines the metaverse, detailing its user profiles and legal challenges. It highlights data protection principles and privacy concerns unique to virtual environments. Emphasis is placed on data minimisation strategies to safeguard user privacy, concluding with the necessity for robust regulatory measures to ensure ethical development of the metaverse.
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Identitatea și identificarea – elemente ale persuasiunii autentice
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
In the legal system, persuasion plays a central role in the success or failure of cases presented before the court. An attorney’s ability to convince the judge is not solely based on the presentation of solid legal arguments but also on a complex set of psychological and emotional factors. Among these, the identity and identification of judges with the attorneys’ arguments are essential. These elements contribute to creating a connection betwe...
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Procedura de insolvenţă pe bază de plan de rambursare a datoriilor
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
The definition of the administrative procedure sought to relieve the courts, by transferring to the insolvency commissions the role of mediator between the debtors and the creditors for the realization of a debt repayment plan through which most of the debts are covered or even in full but without accessories, in a reasonable period. ...
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Anul 2022

Rezilierea extrajudiciară, o reziliere mai „energică”? Studiu de caz: procedura specială a evacuării (art. 1. 034 și urm. C. pr. civ.)
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The concern to find solutions that allow the creditor of the unexecuted obligation from a bilateral contract to settle the situation created by this non execution as quickly as possible was one of those that found its refl ection in the regulation of the New Civil Code.The addition to the two forms of resolution/termination known under the old Code – the resolution/termination pronounced by the court, respectively the resolution/terminati...
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Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (I)
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. The debate...
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Controlul de gestiune în cadrul unei societăţi cu răspundere limitată
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The control of the documents and the activity of the limited liability company is a personal non-patrimonial right that belongs to each associate, who does not also have the capacity of administrator, based on his quality and his legitimate interest in knowing the financial situation and the patrimonial evolution of the company. ...
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Controlul de legalitate la înregistrarea în registrul comerţului a hotărârilor adunării generale a asociaţilor unei societăţi cu răspundere limitată: Legea nr. 265/2022 – aceeași Mărie cu altă pălărie
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The article analyzes the issue regarding the limits of the prior control of legality carried out during the registration in the trade register, in the context of the adoption of a new law on the trade register. At the level of the ONRC and the courts, there is an oscillating practice in this regard, and the appearance of the new regulations does not, unfortunately, clarify the existing problems.
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Legalitatea acţiunilor de recuperare a datelor ca urmare a unui atac cibernetic
The breach of data security has several consequences regarding the effects of this event on the data subjects. If the personal data has gone out of data controller’s hand, it will try to recover it in order to limit the damage. The data controller has the primary obligation, under public law, to notify the competent supervisory authority of the data security breach. On the other hand, he will try to conclude a convention with the author of the...
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Două noţiuni conflictuale: status quo-ul și dinamica activelor în insolvenţă
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
After the opening of the insolvency proceedings, the assets in the debtor’s estate provide a static image of what can be understood as the „active side”. However, the legal rules applicable to these assets in insolvency must retrieve from the substantive law rules those which are compatible with the dynamics under which the insolvency proceedings are conducted. The book records which reflect such assets may raise questions as to whether they ...
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Modificări ale Legii societăţilor nr. 31/1990 în materia vărsămintelor parţiale. Comentarii asupra articolului 91, așa cum a fost modificat și completat prin Legea nr. 265/2022
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The Companies Law no. 31/1990 was amended by Law nr. 265/2022. The main object of Law no. 265/2022 is a new regulation of the activity of the trade registry, repealing the previous law, no. 26/1990. In addition to the register activity, Law nr. 265/2022 brings important changes to the corporate legislation. One of these changes is the possibility for the members of a limited liability firm to pay in instalments the shares subscribed when the f...
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Creanţele salariale curente în procedura insolvenţei
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Salary claims benefit from a preferential regime, in the case of the employer’s insolvency, determined by the need to protect employees. At the same time, current claims benefit from a privileged legal regime, which is justified by the imperative to continue the debtor’s activity after the opening date of the insolvency procedure.With regard to current salary claims in the insolvency procedure, the issue arises of determining the compete...
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Principii și concepte ale restructurării societăţilor în dificultate
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The restructuring law (Law. no. 216/2022 for the transposition of the Directive (EU) 2019/1023 on restructuring and insolvency into the Romanian legal system) entered into force on July 17th, 2022. The new law amends Law no. 85/2014 regarding preventive insolvency proceedings and insolvency proceedings as following: (i) the new law revoke ad-hoc mandate proceeding and proposes a new proceeding – the restructuring agreement and (ii) modifies the...
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Bunele practici în relaţia avocat-client
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Without many legislative opportunities for promoting their services, lawyers must rely mainly on the results of their activity. In addition, however, some methods of communication make up the best practices by which, over time, those who have understood the partnership relationship between lawyer and client have acquired professional success. ...
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Metamorfoza Legii nr. 85/2014 sau zbor deasupra unei… transpuneri de directivă europeană… (I)
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
It is a truism that, as a rule, economic crises (and not only) have a certain cyclicality, relatively easy to detect. Trying to capitalize on the “calm before the storm”, the European Legislator has focused on a difficult area during the previous crisis – insolvency. Applying the medical principle: it is easier to prevent than to combat, he focused in particular on the area just before insolvency, from a logical and chronological perspective, ...
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Limitarea deductibilităţii costurilor excedentare ale îndatorării
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
Interest expenses and the costs economically equivalent to interest have challenged for a long time the international tax environment to find a solution with the purpose to eliminate or, at the very least, to limit the related abusive tax practices.With the objective of establishing a consistent rule within the international tax framework, in 2015, O.E.C.D. adopted Action 4 as part of the B.E.P.S. Project, which recommendations were take...
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De la moștenirea latină la construcţia patrimoniului cultural românesc în Italia
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
The cultural heritage of Italy as well as the idea of a common origin of the Romanian and Italian people represented a special attraction for the Romanian intellectuals of the interwar period. In the Romanian cultural landscape, the creation of Romanian institutes in Italy had a significant role in shaping diplomatic-cultural relations.The ambitious projects of the historians Vasile Pârvan and Nicolae Iorga represent the beginning of a ...
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Critici referitoare la previzibilitatea și accesibilitatea normei penale ce incriminează infracţiunea de executare fără autorizaţie de construire sau de desfiinţare ori cu nerespectarea prevederilor acesteia a lucrărilor de intervenţie asupra monumentelor istorice sau construcţiilor amplasate în zone de protecţie a monumentelor și în zone construite protejate
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Article 24 of the Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of the execution of construction works stipulates the crime of execution without a construction permit, dismantling, or with non-compliance with its provisions refering to the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, consolidation, protection, restoration, preservation, as well as any other works, regardless of their value, carried out at all categories of historical monuments prov...
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Poate constitui instituţia logodnei element al patrimoniului cultural imaterial?
The study will be divided into two sections: the first section will be devoted to the notion of “national cultural heritage” and the second section to engagement.In the first section entitled Introductory considerations on the notion of “national cultural heritage” we will present how the literature and legislation in the field define the notions of: national cultural heritage, tangible national cultural heritage and intangible national c...
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