Limbajul corporal
06 01 2021
The verbal message is only one of the elements of communication, its weight being often appreciated as inferior to para-verbal and non-verbal communication.The latter, by engaging the entire body of the transmitter, outlines the overall picture that strengthens or diminishes the power of words.
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Principiile persuasiunii
05 01 2021
Persuasion is based on a set of principles that apply in all areas, including the legal sphere. Enunciated three decades ago, the principles of persuasion crowned the research work of Professor Robert Cialdini. Based on extensive studies, experiments, and statistics, the six fundamental laws of persuasion have general applicability and help us understand why, when, and how persuasion works.
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Tehnici de negociere și argumentare
04 01 2021
As legal professionals or as mere speakers, we will often find ourselves in situations that require either neutrality or the best possible resolution of conflicts. Moving away from the paradigm of the verbal duel meant to leave only one person standing, the negotiation and argumentation techniques accentuate the empathy and the desire to obtain mutual gain. Their knowledge and application translates into harmonious communication and results con...
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De ce prefer textele negociabile, nu textele de adeziune
03 01 2020
The texts I write (and, in general, the texts that are written in law) are of two kinds: “negotiable” texts and texts “of adhesion”. (…) The texts written for “negotiation” have a different content from that which would have resulted if those texts had been written “for adhesion”. (…) Whoever the reader is, I examine the result of the agreement I propose to reach in terms of “degree of consensus”, not in terms of “assenting to an op...
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Negocierea între părți a contractului de credit
03 01 2016
The paper highlights the role and importance of negotiation between the parties to the credit agreement in order to achieve the object of the contract. Being the legal instrument through which the parties materialized their goals on the desired consumer credit and offered by the bank; the credit agreement shall contain any provision that would lead to achieving the outcome pursued by the parties.The first phase of negotiation is performe...
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