Clauza de rezervă a dreptului de proprietate în procedura insolvenţei. Despre opozabilitatea „inopozabilă” sau în căutarea oximoronului juridic perfect
02 01 2022
The reserve of the title until the full payment of the price (Pactum reservati domini donec praetium solvitur) under the civil and then commercial sale contract had a vertiginous development in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it was not expressly regulated in the Civil Code or the Commercial Code, a wide range of solutions had been released over time – from challenging the validity of this clause by jurisprudence and doctrine, t...
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Insolvenţa și pandemia –noutăţi legislative
06 01 2020
Adoption and entry into force in 2014 of Law no. 85/2014 on insolvency prevention and insolvency procedures led to the modernization of insolvency legislation in Romania.The year 2020 has brought major global challenges, with the coronavirus pandemic causing unrest on all fronts, with significant effects on the global and national economy.Law no. 55/2020 aimed to provide some additional protection measures to companies in financia...
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Despre creanțele curente în procedura insolvenței
06 01 2019
The evolution of the insolvency legislation in Romania has led to a privileged legal regime regarding creditors with current claims, they have rights and additional protection in order to recover the claims. The holders of this type of claims have priority over payment and do not enter into competition with the creditors with claims prior to the opening of the insolvency procedure, being able to request, under certain conditions, the opening o...
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Vânzarea prin licitaţie publică, potrivit Codului de procedură civilă, a bunurilor debitorului declarat în faliment
10 01 2016
The new Law on pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures, after settling the predicament in a special manner of liquidation of the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy, including by selling assets, offers a final solution for valuing the debtor’s patrimonial assets, using the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, in order to sell by public auction the assets of the debtor. The disclosure of the purpose of the reference standard and of the compatibi...
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Drepturile promitentului cumpărător rezultate din antecontractul de vânzare-cumpărare din perspectiva dispoziţiilor art. 93 ind. 1 din Legea nr. 85/2006
01 01 2012
This article discusses the legal situation of the debtor who made a promise to sell movables or immovables prior to her subsequent judicial declaration as bankrupt, and of the creditors who made a promise to buy such goods. Taking in consideration all the „innovations” introduced in the Romanian Law in recent years, it argues that the non correlation of the dispositions of various recent legislative enactments, among which predominantly figure...
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