Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: avocat

Cum scriu?
Starting from the Latin saying scripta manent and the local proverb that „forgetting is human”, I find justified saying that what the great specialists of law – pleading lawyers or exceptional professors – affirm is at least useful to be written or preserved by other means of storing information.
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Asigurările de răspundere civilă în profesiile juridice
03 01 2019
Pursuing legal professions may bring some risks, including the risk of prejudicing the others and thus triggering civil liability. Malpractice insurance in the legal field has been rapidly developed in recent years and has the role of covering the damage caused during or in connection with the legal acts or facts regarding the juridical professions, committed by authorized and active specialist in these professions.
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Autoritatea tribunalului arbitral de a exclude un arbitru lipsit de etică
The purpose of this paper is to identify and investigate the current status of arbitral institutions’ and arbitration courts’ authority to sanction violations of unethical lawyers in cases of conflicts of interest. The parties have a fundamental right to choose their lawyer and also an independent and impartial tribunal, therefore the power source of the arbitral tribunal to exclude/disqualify a lawyer requires clarifications, since lately it h...
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Introducere în probleme de etică privind arbitrii și avocații în arbitrajul internațional
In the arbitral proceedings particular ethical issues concerning conflicts of interest of the legal representatives of the parties could occur. The purpose of this article is to identify some aspects of ethical issues codification and possible standardization concerning arbitrators and lawyers and the arbitrators’ authority to investigate the current state of the arbitral tribunals and arbitral institutions to sanction misconduct in the conduc...
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Scurte consideraţii asupra reprezentării convenţionale a persoanelor juridice în procesul civil
03 01 2015
The perspective brought by the new regulation on the institution of conventional representation of legal entities in civil proceedings is completely different, in line with the regulations found in other European countries. Despite a radical change of perspective, the judicial practice remained tributary to the jurisprudence developed under the old regulation, allowing legal entities to be represented by non – lawyer representatives, oth...
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