Relevanţa elementului subiectiv în ipoteza abuzului de drept
02 01 2021
It is well-known that, in principle, no person entitled to a civil subjective right can be held liable for the damage caused by exercising that particular right. However, the principle of good faith and the obligation which is the result of it requires that the exercise of any civil subjective right respects its rigor. On the one hand, this means that the civil subjective right must be exercised for the purpose that has been recognized by law a...
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Abuzul de poziţie dominantă
02 01 2018
Ownership by a company of a dominant position on the relevant market is not prohibited, as a result of the efficiency of the business carried out. A dominant position is sanctioned if it has been illicitly acquired or exploited abusively.Abuse of a dominant position is manifested when, by its behavior, a trading company influences the structure or degree of competition on that market by using manifestations, anti-competitive practices, ...
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Răspunderea nelimitată a asociaților cu răspundere limitată în baza art. 2371 din Legea societăților nr. 31/1990
03 01 2017
The mechanism or technique of lifting the corporate veil, which consists of ignoring the legal personality when it is used by associates as a schield for defrauding creditors is regulated in several normative acts. In corporate matters, relevant are the provisions of art. 2371 of Law no. 31/1990, which is the main object of our analysis. In the Preliminaries, we review the general rationale for seting up legal entities, particularly companies...
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Raporturile esenţiale dintre actorii procedurii
10 01 2013
The objectiveness of the insolvency procedures can be ensured primarily through a balanced distribution of roles of the interested parties, without granting a decisive influence to any participant who is not under the obligation to give reasons for its decisions.The second factor (derived from the first) for the purposes of maintaining the objectivity is the appointment of independent specialists in order to perform the economic analysis...
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Grupurile de societăţi în dreptul comercial italian. Scurte consideraţii de drept comparat
03 01 2013
There are traditional connections between the Italian and Romanian legal systems, including in the matter of corporate groups law. Within the substantial reform of the Italian Civil Code 2004 as of 2004, there were introduced legal provisions aiming to regulate the relations between the companies belonging to the same corporate group. Given that the Romanian legislation does not have such a regulation yet, we think a comparative approach with...
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