Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

„Scripturae soliloquiis”,
posibil răspuns la întrebarea „Cum scrieţi?”
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I never just „write”. I rather transcript a soliloquy, an internal dialogue that requires to be recorded, probably out of a vanity of the moment, which later may bring post festum regrets or, at least, benevolent self-ironies… Why? Simple, because our writings are considered as fragments of legal literature. The legal literature, by contrast with other written works, is, in certain legal systems, a formal source of law, while i...
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I must read everything was written before I start writing. (…) In the legal field, every word counts. Keywords: dialectical triad thesis-antithesis-synthesis, bibliography, decision of the European Court of Human Rights, s...
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Dacă în drept ar funcţiona stilul epistolar…
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
It is not the same if you draft an acquittal proposal in a fi le where parties have settled (…) or if you draft an indictment which refers to numerous facts, more authors, which advance various defences that you need to address. Equally, it is not the same to present the facts in an order to the investigation department (which is familiar with the file) to complete the prosecution file or in an indictment based on which the judge decides on h...
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Cum scriu? Greu, dar și cu multă bucurie
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I had the intuition that a jurist-researcher must inter- and trans-discipline and, therefore, I read books (…) of institutional history, social history, political philosophy, economy and sociology. (…) I started to merge the positivist discourse with the cultural one, marked by inter- and trans-disciplinarity and by conceptual analysis. This way I was trying to break with the empiricism which is specifical to descriptive commentary...
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Cum scriu o hotărâre?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Any judicial decision is a narrative, a story about finding the truth. The search for the truth is a difficult task, since the pieces of evidence, regarded as the signs that the facts have left, seldom tell us a unique and coherent story. The interpretation of the law is no easier task, either; from all the interpretation methods available, I choose the literal interpretation over the teleological one, as it saves me from the pitfalls of my own...
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Writing as a judge is a more recent activity for me. I am still during the period of reflection concerning many aspects of this profession, among which the clear, convincing and concise expression of the arguments on which a judgment is based represents a personal priority. I noted for a long time the opacity of many written documents in the judicial world, in Romania and elsewhere. I also noted the differences in style between various types o...
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Cum scriem?
In my research activity, I have started, lately, to write only when I am really interested on a topic or when I believe that I have something to say about a certain issue. (…) (thus) I write only when I can answer, in advance, to three questions: What do I mean with what I write? What is the issue I have previously identified? and What answer do I have to that issue?
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Numărul 3 Anul 2020
If writing a piece proves necessary, then a writing project is put together with all that it entails – a mission statement, a roadmap marked by qualitative and quantitative milestones, a calendar and of course, executive instructions, to detail. Keywords: ...
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Cum scriu?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
I think I write when I have something to say. It is an impetus of anyone concerned with law, with the world, with the way world and times change, of anyone who intellectually pursue the truth and the good. My goal for the text is to let the truth shine, bring the light to dissipate the darkness, bring clarity where everything is obscure. ...
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Cum scriem
The choice of a certain style of legal writing is not only ad professionis one, but one that depends much on our fundamental view towards the relation between rules and freedom. Therefore, I believe that a legal writing in a cultural environment oriented predominantly towards efficiency of rules reveals a certain lack of interest for the individual freedom, a statism concealed as pragmatism. The positivism, which is a lack of philoso...
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