Articole din categoria: Numărul 3

Cea mai bună minciună este adevărul
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Regardless whether you write for practitioners or for the academic environment, it is an exercise of great responsibility to review the text before publishing it. This is writing hygiene. It gives one the chance to detect not only spelling errors, but also judgment errors. (…) I am not always successful with this, precisely because writing rather gets me tired than attracts me. However, happily the safety net works because there was always so...
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Despre drept și scrierea lui
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
By its very function and training, the notary is a man of legal „express”, of explicit formulations. (…) A seeker of the causal relation, who will never be able to detach from it. Although abstraction could help him, he ignores it, and prefers to look, confused, for the validity of the causal relation underlying the document he is drafting. He is easily afraid and take exaggerate precautions. His anatomy impedes creativity, so he prefers well...
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De ce prefer textele negociabile, nu textele de adeziune
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The texts I write (and, in general, the texts that are written in law) are of two kinds: “negotiable” texts and texts “of adhesion”. (…) The texts written for “negotiation” have a different content from that which would have resulted if those texts had been written “for adhesion”. (…) Whoever the reader is, I examine the result of the agreement I propose to reach in terms of “degree of consensus”, not in terms of “assenting to an op...
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Cum scriu (eu)?
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The addressees of what I write, the information about them, about their expectations are decisive. The language, the tone, the modality of expressing the information depend all upon the addressees, more precisely upon what I know or I think I know about them. Keywords:...
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The contract becomes a group work, reflecting the agreement reached by theparties. Sometimes this compromise, as well as the hurry in the negotiation of some provision before signing, result in imperfect formulations, whose future interpretation might trigger potential disputes. But these situations are specific to the dynamics of the transactions, in which, many times, the pressure to reach an agreement, after many tens of hours of neg...
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Domnul Teo și profesorii de drept
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Every law professor writing about law is a Mr. Teo. Keywords: selection, interpretation, canon, fracture.
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Despre scris
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
There are many writing techniques but none is magical. I think the writing style is personal in the first place, and only thereafter it does become technical. There is, however, a common denominator in everything: enthusiasm, whether you are a writer every day or not.
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Despre scris
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Maybe it’s because of this that I write: to understand what I read. I noticed that you realise whether you understood something only after trying to explain it to someone else. Keywords: legal literature, legal practice, pl...
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Drept și stil juridic. O plimbare publică printr-o pădure narativă (privată?)
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
A quarter delight, three quarters effort, frustration, insatisfaction and self-cricism, inconvenience and sleepless nights. (…) A good text is like the outcome of succesful hunting, it requires long wait, with patience and perseverence. I understood that there is not just one angle from which to look at the world, nor defined landscapes, but just images glimpsed through a moving window. I understood that (…) the stories...
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Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
The purpose of a researcher should be to produce knowledge, and the personal merger between form and genuine content accurately indicates the place of an author within the professional community. Creating and using your own concepts and syntagmas are the defining step in this process and are what mark the identity of the scientific discourse. ...
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