Impactul MiFID II asupra pieţei de capital românești din perspectiva intermediarilor financiari
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
The international financial crisis in the 2008-2010 period has had significant consequences within the European Union member states. The spillover effects of the financial crisis were also based on the deficiencies in the stock market regulation. As a result, a new European Directive had to be adopted in order to correct the legislative gaps in an area characterized by high dynamism.The adoption of MiFID II in 2014 pursued a number of o...
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Dreptul de a petiţiona vs. abuzul de drept și frauda la lege în era digitalizării
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
This article focuses on the right to petition. The paper also analyses the limits of the petitioner’s rights, as well as the legal procedures that must be followed when citizens are acting in order to solve a personal issue related to public authorities.The public authorities have to adapt their internal procedures to the new challenges imposed by the technology, so that the relationship “citizen-public authority” become a win-win colla...
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Răspunderea juridică a inteligenţei artificiale în materia comerţului electronic
Numărul 3 Anul 2021
We speak of Artificial Intelligence with reference to the ability of a machine to reproduce typically human intellectual functions. In this particular field, enormous progress has been made in recent years, leading to the creation of more and more human-like-machine. This circumstances is not without legal consequences: how to behave in the event that an action of a machine equipped with Artificial Intelligence leads to the occurrence of a cri...
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Destinul transnaţional al unei doctrine: forum non conveniens
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
The interplay between the concept of jurisdiction and forum non conveniens theory is more or less stormy. At least in the European Union, such interplay ismanaged in favour of actor sequitur forum rei doctrine. This paper retraces thetransnational fate of forum non conveniens doctrine. As the European Union intends to be and to remain a global player, it cannot neglect anymore, at least in the its so-cal...
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Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal în cadrul reţelei de franciză. Natura raporturilor dintre francizor şi francizaţi: operatori asociaţi
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
The relationship between the franchisor and the franchisees of his network is complex and must be regulated contractually also with regard to the obligations related to the processing of personal data. Due to the way the franchise is regulated, the relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee will always be of associated operators.
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Relevanţa elementului subiectiv în ipoteza abuzului de drept
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
It is well-known that, in principle, no person entitled to a civil subjective right can be held liable for the damage caused by exercising that particular right. However, the principle of good faith and the obligation which is the result of it requires that the exercise of any civil subjective right respects its rigor. On the one hand, this means that the civil subjective right must be exercised for the purpose that has been recognized by law a...
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Finanţarea participativă, multifinanţarea sau crowdfunding. Arhitectura juridică
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
In the midst of the technological revolution, the financing of various projects could not be eluded by the phenomenon of digitalization. The general ease of accessing the Internet and social networks has reshaped an old method of funding, based on funds obtained from the general public. Nowadays, crowdfunding developed through online platforms is experiencing an exponential growth, whether the beneficiaries are natural persons, cultural-artist...
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Noţiuni introductive de oratorie judiciară – „Stand up, speak up and shut up” (II)
Numărul 2 Anul 2021
If eloquence is the nucleus around which revolve all the other elements of oratory before the court, the judicial oratory would not be complete without the presence and the abstinence of the litigant. Knowing how to present yourself and knowing the right time to censor yourself are qualities that shape the portrait of a successful speaker.
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Impactul noilor tehnologii în funcţionarea societăţilor pe acţiuni
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The most important event in the life of a joint stock company is the general meeting of shareholders, be it either ordinary or extraordinary, a meeting in which the shareholders establish, by vote, the direction of the development course of its activity. Traditionally, the expression of the vote in the general meeting was done within the organized framework of the meeting by expressing it directly or through a representative. The evolution of s...
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Consimţământul – un cameleon între temeiurile prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal
Numărul 1 Anul 2021
The specific legislation on the protection of personal data provides operators with six grounds on which they can collect and process such data, and choosing the most appropriate one for each situation is not always an easy task. One of the six legal grounds is the consent of the data subject, and the manner in which it is regulated and private law habits could create the impression that consent is the „king” of the grounds for the processing...
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