Articole din categoria: Anul 2013

Contractul de leasing. Analiză din perspectiva grupurilor de contracte
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
Governed by its pragmatic and utilitarian feature due to the common-law system from which it originates, leasing has emerged as a need to provide an alternative loan award to provide at the same time the owner of the assets with the possibility to recover the property given to be used by the receiver where the latter no longer wishes, at the end of lease period, to continue any contractual relationship. But as the continentalist legal system do...
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Discuţii privind viciul de consimţământ al violenţei în raporturile dintre profesionişti. Încadrarea violenţei economice
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
This article is mainly intended at discussing the possibility of claiming the vice of consent consisting of violence (threats) in the relations between professionals, as well as the analysis of the concept of economical violence and the conditions thereof. The article starts with a section presenting the regulation of the violence in the new Civil Code, then addressing the claim of violence as a vice of consent in between professionals and fin...
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Procesul civil internaţional în reglementarea Noului Cod de procedură civilă Partea III: Competenţa exclusivă a instanţelor române (art. 1078, 1079, 1081)
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
The coming into force of the new Romanian Civil Procedure Code, on February 15th 2013, has resulted in new rules on the civil trial with a foreign element, repealing the last remaining articles of Law no. 105/1992. This paper is the third of a series which aims to provide a general analisys of the new legal provisions, correlating them with the former regulation and relevant jurisprudence, as well as the European legislation with which it migh...
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Administrarea şi conducerea societăţilor de investiţii
Numărul 9 Anul 2013
The board of directors and the managers of the company, for the companies managed in the unitary system, or the supervisory board and the manager, in the case of the companies managed in the dualist system, are organs of the stock company which, even though lack legal personality, hold the totality of management prerogatives of the company. They are characterized by the doctrine as collegial management organs of the stock company, ex...
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Piercing the corporate veil
Numărul 8 Anul 2013
Starting from the definition and the underlyings that justify piercing the corporate veil, the articole presents the multiple forms of lifting the corporate veil and makes a short review of the Romanian law in this matter, given the declared purpose of highlighting the concept’s potential to answer the latest demands of the business environment. A modern institution of the business law, piercing the corporate veil proves to be a remedy fo...
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Când nu mai este secret un secret comercial?
In this article, the author analyses the relationship between the right to be informed and trade secrets, in a context in which traders often invoke the privilege of keeping secret information that would also contribute to identifying the effects of their activities on human health and the environment. On the one hand, the ability to keep certain information secret is often a matter of survival for traders, on the other, access to data may be ...
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Evoluţia reglementării privind impozitarea dobânzilor în Convenţiile Model OCDE şi ONU
Numărul 8 Anul 2013
This paper purpose is to identify the historical reasons which underlie the current tax treatment of the interest payments under the Model Conventions elaborated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and by the United Nations. Although similar from the regulatory point of view, the different treatment of the interest income under the two Model Conventions is important, mainly due to their general purposes and to the way t...
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Succinte consideraţii referitoare la (in)compatibilitatea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 9/2013 privind timbrul de mediu cu dispoziţiile art. 110 din Tratatul privind Funcţionarea Uniunii Europene
Numărul 8 Anul 2013
Taking into consideration the new regulation implemented by the legislative power through the Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 9/2013 which establishes a financial burden called “the environment fee”, a fee that has to be paid when registering a car in Romania, the present study intends to analyse whether the above-mentioned regulation succeeds or not in being different from the previous regulations which have been considered t...
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Impactul protecţiei juridice a bazelor de date asupra noţiunii de „originalitate”
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The article examines the protection of databases by copyright. It is discused the legitimacy of this protection and the particularities of the legal regime of the protection of databases in the European Union. In addition, are analyzed the solutions of the Court of Justice of the European Union, regarding this matter. ...
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Protecţia sănătăţii – principiu interpretativ în practica organului de reglementare a diferendelor din cadrul Organizaţiei Mondiale a Comerţului
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The relationship between the dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the human right to health is extremely complex and it covers a wide spectrum of ethical, political and juridical issues. The WTO applicable law includes provisions, such as Article XX letter b) of the GATT, that make us believe that the human right to health is determinant in interpreting the obligations of the WTO Members and their refuse to co...
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