Cum scriu
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
For a lawyer, the word is the scalpel with which he or she operates. A scalpel of a surgeon which is blunt, imprecise or too large can hurt. Likewise, the word of the legal practitioner must be an instrument of precision, which goes straight to the target, without useless deviations.
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Arbitrabilitatea acțiunilor în anularea hotărârilor adunării generale a acționarilor
Numărul 6 Anul 2019
Actions for the annulment of decisions taken by the general assembly of shareholders have been traditionally regarded as non-arbitrable in Romania.This author believes that, in the light of the provisions of the new Code of Civil Procedure, and of international developments in this area, such matters are capable of being submitted to settlement by arbitration.
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Stabilirea şi ajustarea preţului contractual de către un terţ
Numărul 4 Anul 2015
In the absence of an agreement by the parties on a price which is determined or determinable there is a risk that their contract be deemed null and void. There may exist practical and diverse reasons for which the parties though do not clarify the amount of the price or at least the criteria for the calculation of the price, such as the lack of sufficient information regarding the value of the relevant good or service, the impossibility to pre...
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Configuraţia preluării de datorie în noul Cod civil
Numărul 4 Anul 2013
This study aims to analyze, through the eyes of a practitioner of law, the mechanism and the legal effects of the debt assumption, regulated for the first time expressly by the Romanian Civil code. Some of the particular objectives of this study are to identify the practical issues which may arise due to the interpretable and/or incomplete provisions and, correlatively, to propose possible solutions and/or approaches aimed to prevent the dama...
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Consideraţii privind reglementarea noului Cod civil asupra clauzelor neuzuale
Numărul 3 Anul 2013
The authors of the study review one of the novel solutions implemented by the new Civil Code of Romania in the area of contractual obligations, namely the regulation of the unusual clauses. These are defined as a species of standard clauses and may be viewed in general as clauses which purport to alter the balance of the obligations of the parties resulting from the statutory regulation of contracts for the benefit of the party which proposes...
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Noutăţi privind răspunderea antreprenorului potrivit Codului civil (II)
Numărul 2 Anul 2013
This article represents the second part of a study aimed to provide an overview over the services and construction contractors’ liability under the Romanian Civil code. In this second part, the authors focused to the special provisions from the Romanian Civil code, applicable to construction contracts and also provided brief considerations with regard to the termination of the contractor agreements. Where the case, the special legislation has ...
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Noutăţi privind răspunderea antreprenorului potrivit Codului civil (I)
Numărul 1 Anul 2013
This article represents the first part of a study aimed to provide an overview of the main novelties related to contractor’s liability under the Romanian Civil code. In their study, the authors referred to the relevant provisions of the Québec Civil code, as it represented one of the main sources of inspiration for the Romanian Civil code, and to the related doctrine as well. The authors also outlined the potential issues to arise due to the ...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (III)
Numărul 10 Anul 2012
Under this third part of the analysis regarding the resolution and the annulment of contracts as provided under the new Civil Code, the authors are analysing the effects of the resolution, the abatement of provisions, the partial resolution and the prescription of the right to be reimbursed the provisions rendered under the annulled agreement. Moreover, a comparability analysis between the resolution and other methods of agreement cancellation...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (II)
Numărul 9 Anul 2012
In this second part of the analysis regarding the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code the authors review the regulation and practical utility of the unilateral resolution and of the resolutory clauses, insisting on the regulation and consequences of the de jure operation of resolution in certain situations.
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Rezoluțiunea în Noul Cod civil (I)
Numărul 8 Anul 2012
This article represents the first part of a series dedicated to the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code. In this first part the authors review several novelties regulated by the Civil Code concerning mainly the notion and conditions of contract resolution, but also confront issues on which the legal doctrine has had under the previous regulation and continues to have incongruent interpretations (such as the condit...
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