Despre creanțele curente în procedura insolvenței
06 01 2019
The evolution of the insolvency legislation in Romania has led to a privileged legal regime regarding creditors with current claims, they have rights and additional protection in order to recover the claims. The holders of this type of claims have priority over payment and do not enter into competition with the creditors with claims prior to the opening of the insolvency procedure, being able to request, under certain conditions, the op...
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Tratamentul sechestrului penal asigurător instituit în scopul recuperării creanțelor bugetare în procedura insolvenței
06 01 2019
The present paper aims to analyse the effects that the criminal precautionary seizure may have on the assets of the debtor who is in insolvency or bankruptcy procedure and to highlight the special, derogatory nature of the insolvency legislation’ provisions as compared to those of the criminal law regarding the recovery of the debtor’s assets.
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Deschiderea procedurii insolvenţei la cererea debitorului. Obligaţia debitorului de a formula cererea
03 01 2017
The opening of insolvency procedure on debtor’s request is done either when he finds insufficient funds available for the payment of due debts or when he finds that he will not be able to pay at the due date the due debts incurred with the money funds available at maturity
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Celeritatea și caracterul special al Legii nr. 85/2014 privind procedurile de prevenire și insolvență
12 01 2014
The present study presents some important aspects in the new regulation regarding prevention and insolvency procedures, focusing, above all, on the principles of speed and specialty of this law. Law no. 85/2014 brought changes regarding its procedural mechanisms, among the objectives of the normative act being the guarantee of the speed of the insolvency procedure, in order to ensure both its efficiency and effectiveness. All participant...
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