Impactul noilor tehnologii din perspectiva investigaţiei criminalistice
03 01 2024
The article explores the impact of modern technologies and artificial intelligence on surveillance and investigative activities in the criminal field, highlighting the associated challenges and opportunities. The international context, characterized by the expansion of organized crime and terrorism, requires efficient methods of crime control, and technological advancements have a significant impact in this regard.New technologies, includ...
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Notarii vs blockchain
03 01 2024
We are all preparing for the technological revolution. Never in history has man been more affected by the extremely rapid changes happening around him. Of these, blockchain technology seems to have the biggest impact, being likened, not infrequently, to the fizz we all knew when the internet came into being. But unlike the internet, blockchain affects our lives much more visibly. It not only gives us access to information, but also the ability...
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Inadecvarea instrumentelor politicii de concurenţă în lumea digitală și perspective privind riscurile inteligenţei artificiale
03 01 2023
Competition policy can provide revealing insights on how market regulation can quickly become obsolete, or otherwise inadequate, when confronted with rapid technological change. This failure to keep up with new business models in the digital realm, demonstrates that even the most sophisticated and adaptive regulatory tools may succumb to the extreme dynamics, in terms of incentives and adoption, that the most revolutionary technologies natural...
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Utilizarea instrumentelor de inteligenţă artificială în sistemul de justiţie penală
02 01 2023
Crime prevention, criminal justice, and law enforcement are areas where artificial intelligence has the potential to complement or even greatly improve traditional techniques. The potential for artificial intelligence for law enforcement, legal professionals, the judiciary and even the criminal justice system to enhance human capabilities is enormous. Many judicial authorities have begun to use artificial intelligence applications to improve ...
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Schiţă privind problemele juridice ale funcţionării inteligenţei artificiale în spaţiul juridic al omului
05 01 2021
Although there is much enthusiasm about the potential of artificial intelligence, the study expresses moderate skepticism when examining the limits of protecting the privacy of humans possibly attacked by intelligent machines. No matter how advanced technology may be, man will always be different from a robot.The elements that would capture the human-intelligent machine difference are essentially subject to the concept of human rights. T...
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Răspunderea juridică a inteligenţei artificiale în materia comerţului electronic
03 01 2021
We speak of Artificial Intelligence with reference to the ability of a machine to reproduce typically human intellectual functions. In this particular field, enormous progress has been made in recent years, leading to the creation of more and more human-like-machine. This circumstances is not without legal consequences: how to behave in the event that an action of a machine equipped with Artificial Intelligence leads to the occurrence of a cri...
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