Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: instituții de credit

Câteva considerații asupra stadiului aderării României la Uniunea Bancară Europeană
This paper highlights the stages of Romania’s adherence to the European Banking Union (EBU). Although the initial estimated adherence schedule conceived by the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Public Finances, The Bank Deposits’ Guarantee Fund and the Authority for Financial Supervision was not respected, the transposition into national law of the relevant European legal dispositions having been delayed, at present they do...
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Creditarea persoanelor fizice din perspectiva autorității naționale în domeniul bancar
The present paper analysis the regulations through which the National Bank of Romania proved its concern in creating the framework for the credit institutions to develop responsible lending strategies, particularly as far as the foreign currency loans granted to individual persons are concerned, with regard to non-hedged currency risk.
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Sistemul de control intern
02 01 2012
According to Romanian National Bank Regulation No 18/2009 regarding the administration of credit institutions activity, the internal process of evaluation of the capital adequacy to risks and the prerequisites of outsourcing their activities as well as according to Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.Internal control is a continuous process, set up for providing a reasonable insurance that the performance objectives of the bank are m...
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