Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: fraudă

Prevenirea riscului cibernetic asociat fraudelor cu cardurile bancare de credit
03 01 2024
The digitisation of financial services and the adoption of new digital technologies have increased the risk exposure of financial institutions. The cyber security risk associated with bank credit card fraud is one of the most prominent forms of cyber crime in the financial and banking sector. For this reason, the prevention of this criminal phenomenon continues to be a major priority for regulators and supervisors in the financial and banking ...
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Răspunderea membrilor organelor de administrare ale societăţii insolvente (Partea I – Răspunderea în procedura de drept comun)
Personal liability of the directors towards the creditors follows the liability of the legal person, the one that is damaged by the torts of the directors, so that it aims to reintegrate the corporate assets. The damage thus affects the legal person and only indirectly and implicitly the creditors, the latter being the recipients of the compensation only in the case of the judicial liquidation of the legal person.The personal liability c...
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Răspunderea nelimitată a asociaților cu răspundere limitată în baza art. 2371 din Legea societăților nr. 31/1990
The mechanism or technique of lifting the corporate veil, which consists of ignoring the legal personality when it is used by associates as a schield for defrauding creditors is regulated in several normative acts. In corporate matters, relevant are the provisions of art. 2371 of Law no. 31/1990, which is the main object of our analysis. In the Preliminaries, we review the general rationale for seting up legal entities, particularly companies...
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Infracțiunile de bancrută (III). Articolul 241 C. pen. – Bancruta frauduloasă
This study, in three parts, is dedicated to the bankruptcy crimes, simple and fraudulent, and regulated by articles art. 240-241 pf the Penal Code. This third part approaches the fraudulent bankruptcy crime. The active subject, although, de jure, not qualified, de facto is an executive within the debtor-legal person. Legal object is analyzed through the constitutive content of the infraction, which regulates three alternative ways of accomplis...
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Câteva consideraţii cu privire la acţiunea pauliană. Privire specială asupra domeniului de aplicare în reglementarea Codului civil (Legea nr. 287/2009)
To shelter the creditors from the acts concluded by the debtor in their fraud, the law opens them the path of a special action, the Paulian action, by which the creditors can attack in justice the vilain acts concluded by the debtor with the defendant third party, requesting the competent court of law to declare them as inopposable in the relations with them allowing them to avoid the consequences of fraud.The creditor cannot prevent th...
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