Evoluții legislative relevante în utilizarea instrumentelor și proceselor digitale în materia dreptului societar
05 01 2023
Increasing the transparency of business activities, digitalisation of cross‑border public services and facilitating the access of companies, especially SMEs, to cross‑border operations are only some of the objectives of the integrated and digital Single Market at EU level. In the Communication An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, the European Commission announced the need to assess the introduction of additional measures in th...
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Arbitrabilitatea acțiunilor în anularea hotărârilor adunării generale a acționarilor
06 01 2019
Actions for the annulment of decisions taken by the general assembly of shareholders have been traditionally regarded as non-arbitrable in Romania.This author believes that, in the light of the provisions of the new Code of Civil Procedure, and of international developments in this area, such matters are capable of being submitted to settlement by arbitration.
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Consideraţii cu privire la oportunitatea reglementării dreptului societar prin directive. O perspectivă românească
11 01 2015
This article describes the possibility of regulating corporate law using European Union directives. Issues such as legal basis of those acts, appropriateness and the effects of the directives in the Member States system of law are discussed. Various examples from the Romanian law are also presented.
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Consideraţii privind exercitarea libertăţii de stabilire a societăţilor furnizoare de servicii mass-media audiovizuale în UE
11 01 2015
Companies providing services in the field of audiovisual media find themselves in a special situation as far as freedom of establishment is concerned. This situation is based on two reasons: on one hand, as any trade company, companies providing services in the field of audiovisual media enjoy fundamental liberties as comprised in the articles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, but, on the other hand, due to their specific...
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Consideraţii privind societăţile sportive pe acţiuni
02 01 2014
The article deals with some basic problems of the special regulation of the joint-stock companies active in the field of sports. A special and derogatory legal regime of these companies is justified. But the current regulation should be modernized, adapted to the current legal, economic and social conditions. Law on the one hand should support the establishment of these joint-stock companies, setting clear criteria and procedures, on the othe...
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