Managing the risk arising from defective products and e-commerce in a comparative perspective
03 01 2024
The paper aims to provide some remarks on the topic of managing the risk of third-party manufacturers placing defective products on the market through e-commerce and online marketplaces. Starting with considerations regarding the role that e-commerce platforms play in the market, this paper will analyze how the European policymaker addresses these issues in the text of the revised directive on liability for defective products, as approved by t...
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La compétition réglementaire pour sociétés et actionnaires dans l’Union européenne
02 01 2018
This article discusses regulatory competition for companies and shareholders in the European Union and concludes that it follows the American pattern. The article places an emphasis on the regulatory competition for listed companies.
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Adoption de la Directive 2017/828/UE: droits et obligations des actionnaires et autres partenaires des sociétés cotées en bourse
01 01 2018
This article discusses the main elements of Directive 2017/828/UE amending Directive 2007/36/EC as regards the encouragement of long-term shareholder engagement. Directive 2007/36/EC (Shareholder Rights Directive) was adopted in 2007 and, ten years later, in May 2017, it was strengthened through Directive 2017/828/UE (Shareholder Engagement Directive).The primary objective of the Shareholder Rights Directive was to ensure that nonresident...
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Câteva considerații asupra stadiului aderării României la Uniunea Bancară Europeană
04 01 2016
This paper highlights the stages of Romania’s adherence to the European Banking Union (EBU). Although the initial estimated adherence schedule conceived by the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Public Finances, The Bank Deposits’ Guarantee Fund and the Authority for Financial Supervision was not respected, the transposition into national law of the relevant European legal dispositions having been delayed, at present they do...
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Noile cerinţe în materia supravegherii bancare şi a accesului la activitatea instituţiilor de credit
03 01 2015
This paper presents the new rules regarding the access to the activity of credit institutions and the prudential supervision of credit institutions and investment firms, as they are to be found in EU Regulation No 575/2013 and Directive 2013/36/EU, which define the legal frame of the new European Banking Union. The presentation takes into account the economical context which led to the European Banking Union’s project in the last three ...
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Impactul principiilor generale ale dreptului comunitar asupra materiei fiscale
11 01 2013
The article approaches the impact of the general principles of European law on tax matters starting with the origin of this notion in the case law of European Court of Justice; the article also analyses the content and classification of general principles with focus on the most important of these that can be applicable on tax matters. Furthermore, the author’s personal comments on the application of these principles by national courts in...
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Succinte consideraţii referitoare la (in)compatibilitatea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 9/2013 privind timbrul de mediu cu dispoziţiile art. 110 din Tratatul privind Funcţionarea Uniunii Europene
08 01 2013
Taking into consideration the new regulation implemented by the legislative power through the Governmental Emergency Ordinance no. 9/2013 which establishes a financial burden called “the environment fee”, a fee that has to be paid when registering a car in Romania, the present study intends to analyse whether the above-mentioned regulation succeeds or not in being different from the previous regulations which have been considered t...
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Contractul de credit pentru consum în viziunea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 50/2010
05 01 2012
The emergency ordinance nr. 50/2010, approved with amendments by the Law nr. 288/ 2010, transposes into domestic law the Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council from the 23rd of April 2008 on consumer credit agreement and on abrogation of the Directive 87/202/CEE of the Council.The new European Directive imposed a complete harmonization so that the Romanian legislator had a small margin of freedom in re...
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