Instrumentele normative de protecție a consumatorului supraîndatorat. (Din nou) despre convergență și concurență normativă în loc de editorial
05 01 2016
The interaction between the mechanisms that build the architecture of the credit consumer protection system (consumer insolvency, datio in solutum, and alternative dispute resolution for consumer disputes, for now) generates problems of normative convergence and competition, in what concerns consumer’s access to the procedure, and especially to the benefit of residual debt discharge, an essential point for the effectiveness of the instruments...
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Se poate vorbi de eficiența inițiativelor legislative pentru relația dintre consumator și creditorul profesionist?
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the relocation of the relationship bank – consumer following the recent legislative initiatives regarding the protection of the credit consumer and discusses the convergence or the competition of these new normative solutions, concluding that they have to be promoted with professionalism and responsibility, taking into account the economic and legal impact.
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Despre natura juridică a dării în plată a imobilelor în vederea stingerii obligațiilor asumate prin credite
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the new institution of datio in solutum of the immovable properties in order to settle the obligations through loans, in terms of its legal nature, seeking to know whether it can be placed into a pattern already known from the theory of civil obligations or if it exceeds these patterns. Datio in solutum of Law. 77/2016 is compared with the datio in solutum of the Civil Code, with the objective novation by change of ...
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Când toată lumea vrea (să scape): Preluarea bunului mobil ipotecat în contul creanței
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the new legal instrument of datio in solutum in terms of the extent to which it subsumes the regulatory framework existing in the matter of mortgages, on taking over the mortgaged movable good on the receivable account, presenting “in mirror” this similar mechanism and convergence, respectively divergence between the two institutions.
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Reprezintă mecanismele instituite prin Ordonanța Guvernului nr. 38/2015 un remediu efectiv al supraîndatorării consumatorului român de credite?
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the recent legal act regarding the consumer protection in relation to professionals, with particular application to the relationship bank – consumer and to the efficiency of the and alternative dispute resolution mechanism between them in terms of its aptitude to be an effective remedy for the consumer credit indebtedness.
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