Se poate vorbi de eficiența inițiativelor legislative pentru relația dintre consumator și creditorul profesionist?
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the relocation of the relationship bank – consumer following the recent legislative initiatives regarding the protection of the credit consumer and discusses the convergence or the competition of these new normative solutions, concluding that they have to be promoted with professionalism and responsibility, taking into account the economic and legal impact.
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Despre natura juridică a dării în plată a imobilelor în vederea stingerii obligațiilor asumate prin credite
05 01 2016
The study analyzes the new institution of datio in solutum of the immovable properties in order to settle the obligations through loans, in terms of its legal nature, seeking to know whether it can be placed into a pattern already known from the theory of civil obligations or if it exceeds these patterns. Datio in solutum of Law. 77/2016 is compared with the datio in solutum of the Civil Code, with the objective novation by change of ...
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Negocierea între părți a contractului de credit
03 01 2016
The paper highlights the role and importance of negotiation between the parties to the credit agreement in order to achieve the object of the contract. Being the legal instrument through which the parties materialized their goals on the desired consumer credit and offered by the bank; the credit agreement shall contain any provision that would lead to achieving the outcome pursued by the parties.The first phase of negotiation is performe...
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Clauze abuzive în contractele de credit, așa cum rezultă din practica judiciară
03 01 2016
After the intensification of the banking credit activity in the latter part of the 2000s, the economic crisis, the devaluation of the national currency and the decline of the purchasing power, the consumers that were parts in the credit contracts initiated legal actions against the commercial banks.Although the national legislation came into force several years before, the disputes in the matter of the protection of the consumer law issu...
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Contractul de intermediere
reglementat de noul Cod civil
reglementat de noul Cod civil
01 01 2016
The intermediation contract, whilst being already mentioned in the abrogated Commercial Code, has been defined and regulated only in the new Civil Code.Aiming to intercede the conclusion of various contracts, the intermediation contract is frequently met in practice as a reals assets brokering contract. Unfortunately, brokerage in real assets is a field that is insufficiently and inadequately regulated by the Romanian law.
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Categoriile de debitori cărora nu li se permite accesul la procedurile prevăzute în Legea nr. 151/2015
07 01 2015
Law no. 151/2015 aims to protect only the vast majority of debtors – honest, but unlucky – which, placed under its protection, can get benefits – and share considerable benefits to creditors and society – consisting of their reintegration into the economic and social life. Therefore, the regulations about debtors’ behaviour, upon the entry, during and after the procedure, will isolate and exclude the debtors who expose themselves to...
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Legea insolvenței persoanei fizice incompatibilă cu dreptul Uniunii Europene și contrară jurisprudenței Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene. O lege care încalcă dreptul
05 01 2015
The fierceness in supporting the adoption of a law whose application will result in the destruction of Romanian citizens open a chapter related to the reasons that support such an initiative given that, in addition to delicate social issues, one can observe interests that cannot be attached to the protection of fundamental rights and cannot be explained via EU legislation and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.The seriou...
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Principiul echilibrului contractual în noul Cod Civil şi în dreptul consumului
03 01 2014
The coming into effect of the new Civil Code meant, among others, the changing of the contractual paradigm based on the principle of autonomy of will. The principle of the contractual balance is the new coordinator of the life of the contract and its conceptual tools are lesion – as vice of consent – and unpredictability. Both institutions are designed to ensure harmony of the content of the contract: the first one, in the initial moment, of i...
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Consideraţii privind reglementarea noului Cod civil asupra clauzelor neuzuale
03 01 2013
The authors of the study review one of the novel solutions implemented by the new Civil Code of Romania in the area of contractual obligations, namely the regulation of the unusual clauses. These are defined as a species of standard clauses and may be viewed in general as clauses which purport to alter the balance of the obligations of the parties resulting from the statutory regulation of contracts for the benefit of the party which proposes...
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