Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: arbitraj internațional

The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights under International Investment Law. A Commentary on Bridgestone v Panama
01 01 2018
The protection of intellectual property rights under international investment law has already come under the scrutiny of arbitral tribunals, scholars and the wider civil society with the occasion of such high-profile disputes as Philip Morris and Eli Lilly. Nevertheless, it is only very recently that the first publicly known case in which the protection of intellectual property rights, specifically, trademarks and trademark licences, has been...
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Introducere în probleme de etică privind arbitrii și avocații în arbitrajul internațional
In the arbitral proceedings particular ethical issues concerning conflicts of interest of the legal representatives of the parties could occur. The purpose of this article is to identify some aspects of ethical issues codification and possible standardization concerning arbitrators and lawyers and the arbitrators’ authority to investigate the current state of the arbitral tribunals and arbitral institutions to sanction misconduct in the conduc...
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Tehnici de simplificare în arbitrajul internaţional: câteva consideraţii asupra instrumentelor IBA
International arbitration developed at the crossroads between civil law and Anglo-Saxon legal traditions. The necessity of finding common instrumentalities to resolve international disputes inevitably led to hybrid procedures, most of which borrowed elements from these two legal families but developed with an identity of their own. Simplification lies at the heart of this process. First, arbitration as a creature of consent is molded to match ...
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